Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
Boiling point and specific heat of meat extract
Meat extract is a by-product obtained from the cooking broth of meat processing, which is used as a flavoring agent in cooking and in pharmaceutical products. Information on the processing technology of meat extract and ...
Elevation of boiling point of coffee extract
The rise in boiling point of coffee extract was experimentally measured at soluble solids concentrations in the range of 9.2 to 52.4°Brix and pressures between 5.8 × 103 and 9.4 × 104 Pa (abs.). Different approaches to ...
Elevation of boiling point of coffee extract
The rise in boiling point of coffee extract was experimentally measured at soluble solids concentrations in the range of 9.2 to 52.4°Brix and pressures between 5.8 × 103 and 9.4 × 104 Pa (abs.). Different approaches to ...
Influence of Fluid Concentration on the Elevation of Boiling Point of Blackberry Juice
The rise in boiling point of blackberry juice was experimentally measured at soluble solids concentrations in the range of 9.4 to 58.4Brix and pressures between 4.9 103 and 9.0 104 Pa (abs.). Different approaches to ...
(Universidad de Córdoba, 2014)
Production of vector leptoquarks at the LHC in association with a jet
(Universidad de los AndesFísicaFacultad de CienciasDepartamento de Física, 2022-06-08)
This dissertation presents a phenomenological study of vector leptoquark production under LHC conditions. The study considered a spin-1 leptoquark of charge +2/3 e coupling mainly to third-generation fermions. This choice ...
Representación y análisis de los procesos de desintegración de las partículas subatómicas aplicando el formalismo del Análisis de Redes
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaBogotá - Ciencias - Maestría en Ciencias - FísicaDepartamento de FísicaFacultad de Ciencias Exactas y NaturalesBogotá, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2022-09-27)
Comprender el estado final de colisiones de partículas de altas energías es un problema teórico y experimental extremadamente difícil, por esta razón, la comunidad de física de altas energías (High Energy Physics) (HEP) ...
Fermionic sector in a non-universal U(1)X extension to the MSSM
(Bogotá - Ciencias - Maestría en Ciencias - FísicaDepartamento de FísicaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2020-07-13)
En el siguiente trabajo, se realiza la construcción general de la teoría supersimétrica dándose por conocidos los fundamentos en teoría de grupos en relación a grupo de Poincaré y por lo tanto se inicia desde las propiedades ...