Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 237
Parámetros para el diseño y evaluación del currículo crítico.
(SABER ULA, 2008)
O trato com o conhecimento esporte na abordagem cr??tico-superadora
(Faculdade de Educa????oPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em Educa????oUFBA/Facedbrasil, 2018-03-01)
In search of the autonomous and critical individual: a philosophical and pedagogical analysis of the physical education curriculum of São Paulo (Brazil)
(Routledge Journals, Taylor &francis Ltd, 2015-07-04)
Background: Academics, teachers and policy-makers across the world have discussed how to develop a relevant physical education (PE) curriculum that addresses the 'body education'needs and interests of twenty-first-century ...
In search of the autonomous and critical individual: a philosophical and pedagogical analysis of the physical education curriculum of São Paulo (Brazil)
(Routledge Journals, Taylor &francis Ltd, 2015)
In search of the autonomous and critical individual: a philosophical and pedagogical analysis of the physical education curriculum of São Paulo (Brazil)
(Routledge Journals, Taylor &francis Ltd, 2015)
Participación de los y las docentes en la transformación curricular / Teachers' participation in curricular transformation
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2012)
O cinema como objeto de saber/poder no currículo da educação básica da rede pública de ensino da cidade do recife
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Educacao, 2016)
O ensino de filosofia e o bullying: entre o currículo e as aulas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação Profissional em FilosofiaCâmpus São Carlos, 2019-12-19)
This dissertation, entitled "Philosophy Teaching and Bullying: what is between the Curriculum and the classes", presents a study conducted in a state public school in Ribeirão Preto, city in the State of São Paulo. The aim ...