Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 340
Interpretando a geomemória dos blocos construtivos das ruínas de São Miguel das Missões (RS, Brasil)
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilGeografiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em GeografiaCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas, 2016-02-18)
This work is part of the research line Natural Dynamics and Environmental Quality of the
Southern Cone from the Program of Graduate Studies in Geography of the Federal University
of Santa Maria (PPGGEO/CCNE/UFSM). This ...
Exploring the building blocks of social capital in the Sechura Bay (Peru): Insights from Peruvian scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) aquaculture
(Elsevier, 2018)
Social capital has been a key factor for co-management initiatives' success in small-scale fisheries. Nonetheless, this is a complex concept, which can be operationalized in different ways and has no specific standardized ...
Social Software and Educational Technology: Informal, Formal and Technical Values
(Ieee Computer Soc, Learning Technology Task ForcePalmerston NorthNova Zelândia, 2013)
Ten types of Innovation, The discipline of building breakthroughs
- This book is a must-read for any manager seriously interested in building an innovation culture rather than waiting around hoping for the next immaculate conception. - Roger L. Martin, Dean, Rotman School of Management. ...
Ten types of Innovation, The discipline of building breakthroughs
- This book is a must-read for any manager seriously interested in building an innovation culture rather than waiting around hoping for the next immaculate conception. - Roger L. Martin, Dean, Rotman School of Management. ...
Building blocks of culture
Multicultural talk where Kandy Turner explains what the internationalization campus is and because it is important, the students participate from their experiences, exercises of image interpretation and communication are ...
Investigación y formación para la evolución de las tradiciones. Los bloques perfilados para la autoconstrucción
En el marco de la tradición de técnicas de construcción en tierracruda, la investigación realizada en el Laboratorio de Materiales yComponentes de la ii Facultad de Arquitectura del Politécnico deTurín se ha propuesto ...
Metodologia de apoio a seleção de sistemas construtivos mais sustentáveis para habitações rurais no contexto brasileiro
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil - PPGECivCâmpus São Carlos, 2019-09-27)
The lack of decent housing for people living in the countryside is one of the main factors of social vulnerability, with rural housing shortage reaching 783 thousand in Brazil. The construction industry is of great importance ...
Arquitetura habitacional em madeira: comparação entre os sistemas construtivos utilizados em Curitiba, Brasil e Auckland, Nova Zelândia
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilCurso de Especialização em Construções SustentáveisUTFPR, 2015-11-07)
In Brazil, the most widely used constructive system is still the masonry, built from diffrent types of materials such as brick, block, stone, among others. The buildings constructed in Curitiba for example, using conventional ...
Conjunto habitacional Jorge Robledo : propuesta de intervención de manzana en el centro histórico de Cartago, Valle del Cauca
(Universidad Católica de Pereirea, 2020-08-03)
El presente proyecto arquitectónico surge de un análisis realizado en conjunto con los estudiantes de la Optativa II: Trabajo de Grado de la Universidad Católica de Pereira en el que se evidencia el estado de abandono y ...