Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1184
Mulatas, criollas y viajeros en el Río de la Plata
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el CaribeArchiélago. Revista Cultural de Nuestra AméricaMX, 2019)
The coupling of safety and security : exploring interrelations in theory and practice
Safety has long been a major concern for hazardous industries. With the increase in
security threats over the past two decades, safety and security have come together
and now coexist as strategies and management practices. ...
The interrelation between the Interpersonal, Representational and Morphosyntactic Levels for the expression of the volitive modality in Pope Francis' speeches
(Univ Caxias Sul, Graduate Program Literature Culture & Regions, 2020-01-01)
This paper proposes to investigate, in the light of the theoretical assumptions of the Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG), the interrelation between the Interpersonal, Representational and Morphosyntactic Levels for the ...
Exploring Indigenous Perspectives of an Environmental Disaster: Culture and Place as Interrelated Resources for Remembrance of the 1960 Mega-Earthquake in Chile
On May 22, 1960, the most powerful earthquake recorded in history shook the coast of southern Chile: the ‘Valdivia Earthquake’. The areas around the Budi Lake, eighty kilometers from the epicenter, are lands of ...
Exploring indigenous perspectives of an environmental disaster: Culture and place as interrelated resources for remembrance of the 1960 mega-earthquake in Chile
On May 22, 1960, the most powerful earthquake recorded in history shook the coast of southern Chile: the ‘Valdivia Earthquake’. The areas around the Budi Lake, eighty kilometers from the epicenter, are lands of ...
Diplomatic discourse in cross-cultural dimension
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)