The coupling of safety and security : exploring interrelations in theory and practice
Bieder, Corinne
Pettersen Gould, Kenneth
Safety has long been a major concern for hazardous industries. With the increase in
security threats over the past two decades, safety and security have come together
and now coexist as strategies and management practices. However, they often do
so, without thoughtful reflection about their interrelations and the kind of implications this may have.
Investigating this area from diverse perspectives and identifying the synergies
and tensions between safety and security was at the core of a 3-day workshop
organized by the NeTWork1 think tank and gathering researchers from different
disciplines and countries. This workshop was held in the inspiring Abbaye of
Royaumont, near Paris, in June 2018. Engaging in this exchange brought
enlightening insights to the complex interrelations between safety and security but
also to the associated research and management challenges.
The co-editors, Corinne Bieder and Kenneth Pettersen Gould, are deeply grateful
to the FonCSI (Foundation for an Industrial Safety Culture)2 for the support and
funding of this research initiative