Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 425
"Scenographies of Evil " From the aesthetics of horror to infamous characters
The war will be, precisely, the favorable scenario for the abuse of corpses for political reasons where two elements, which are consubstantial to Evil, converge. The first one points to the negation of the Other as a human ...
"Scenographies of Evil " From the aesthetics of horror to infamous characters
The war will be, precisely, the favorable scenario for the abuse of corpses for political reasons where two elements, which are consubstantial to Evil, converge. The first one points to the negation of the Other as a human ...
O crime de tráfico da fauna silvestre no Brasil: prática violadora da dignidade animal
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilDireito, 2022)
A dan??a contempor??nea no corpo diferenciado e a po??tica de Antonin Artaud
(Revista do Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Dan??a, 2012)