Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6988
Normative study of theme identifiability: Instructions with and without explanation of the false memory effect
False-memory illusions have been widely studied using the Deese/Roediger–McDermott paradigm (DRM). In this paradigm, words semantically related to a single nonpresented critical word are studied. In a later memory test, ...
Críticas carnavalizadas: as escolas de samba do Rio de Janeiro e os temas de seus enredos (1979-1989)
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-08-30)
Os carnavais realizados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro entre os anos de 1979 e 1989 foram marcados, no que tange aos desfiles das escolas de samba, por enredos que abordaram aspectos variados da sociedade brasileira pelo viés ...
(Des)construindo persona
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Imagem e Som - PPGISCâmpus São Carlos, 2016-05-25)
The purpose of this research is to make an analysis of the themes and aesthetics of the film Persona, from Ingmar Bergman, 1966. The first chapter is my analysis of the work, following the model of the writers Anne Goliot-Lété ...
Critical discourse analysis on perceived discrimination. A methodology proposal
Linking the Critical Chain Project Management literature
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2019-06-03)
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the state of the art in Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM), outlining the CCPM literature to date, in an effort to guide future studies. Design/methodology/approach The ...
Critical Social Analysis of Crisis
In this article, we offer a critical social analysis of crisis in light of capitalist development and, above all, in the post-2008 world. We discuss five approaches in the social sciences that deal with the problem of ...
Autoestima e ensino de inglês: uma proposta didática para o contexto público
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosLetras - Inglês - LLI, 2020-12-14)
The self-knowledge and self-value are important factors in the development of a healthy identity. That is why the self esteem - seen as a process of building your own image according to the outside world - is an important ...
Critical Thought and Social Sciences in Ecuador: Autonomy and Politicization of the Intellectual Field
This paper shows how Ecuadorian critical production can be considered a virtuous case of interaction between autonomy and politicization of the intellectual field. Proposing a reflection based on the Antología del pensamiento ...
Parâmetros curriculares nacionais, temática ambiental e razão instrumental: uma análise de seus fundamentos filosóficos
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2016)