Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 203
Disasters as Critical Junctures: State Building and Industrialization in Chile after the Chillán Earthquake of 1939
In 1939 an earthquake destroyed south-central Chile, especially the city of Chillán. This event was arguably the most catastrophic socio-natural disaster in Chilean history, yet it has been mostly ignored in historical ...
The long brazilian critical juncture since 2013: crisis and punishmentA longa conjuntura crítica brasileira desde 2013: crise e castigo
(FGV EAESP Pesquisa e Publicações, 2020)
Critical junctures or slow-moving processes? The effects of political and economic transformations on the mexican public sector
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, 2011)
Alterações na política brasileira para a região em conjunturas críticas : uma análise dos governos FHC (1995-2002) e Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016)
Partindo da premissa de que a política externa é uma política pública, aberta à pluralização de interesses e estando assim sujeita a alterações conjunturais, esse trabalho possui como principal objetivo investigar alterações ...
Democratizar el Gobierno de la Educación. Historia reciente y coyunturas críticas del subsistema educativo en Santa Fe.
(Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación, 2018)
Rebuilding a Statistical Apparatus at a Critical Juncture: Argentina and Brazil, from the Great Depression to the Post-World War II periodReconstruire un appareil statistique d’État à un moment critique: Une comparaison des cas argentin et brésilien, de la Grande Dépression à l’après-Seconde Guerre mondiale
(Éditions de l’EHESS, 2017-06)
Amidst the political and economic tensions that culminated in World War II, the Brazilian and Argentine states embarked within a few years of each other on significant reforms of their statistical services. In Brazil, the ...
Colombia’s Critical Juncture: The Communicative Origin of the 1991 Constitution
(Universidad IcesiFacultad de Derecho y Ciencias SocialesDerechoDepartamento de Estudios PolíticosSantiago de Cali, 2016-01-01)
It is said that the Constitutions of the nineteenth century Colombia were battle
cards that appeased the military confrontation, but at the same time they contained
the seed for the next confrontation. The 1991 Constitution ...
Critical junctures or slow-moving processes?: the effects of political and economic transformations on the Mexican public sector
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Administración Pública, 2016)