Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2359
Creating Shared Value: Exploration in an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
(Sustainability, 2022)
Empowering in Creating Shared Value: Fire-Free Village Program
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Sustainability of a Community-Based Enterprise through shared value. Case: Mallay Communal Company
(Universidad Católica Sedes SapientiaePE, 2018-01-11)
The relationship of a community-based enterprise (CBE) and a mining company was reviewed from the perspective of shared value creation. Specifically, through the study of the Mallay CBE and its interaction with the ...
La creación de Valor Compartido, una oportunidad para el sector empresarial en Colombia y PerúCreating shared value, an opportunity for business sector in Colombia and Peru
(Fundación Universitaria Empresarial de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá: Uniempresarial.Escuela de Finanzas, 2019)
Corporate social responsibility in cruising: using materiality analysis to create shared value
Creating Shared Value hinges on the interdependence between a company's success and social welfare, and also the identification and expansion of connections between that company and society. Because critics say the concept ...
Relational resources: do they create value for both buyer and suppliers?
The study tested the relationship between relational resources and value creation and appropriation. A survey with suppliers and buyers provided evidence that interorganizational fit and knowledge sharing have impact on ...
Addressing sustainable rural development with shared value: a Peruvian model from the cacao industry
(MDPICH, 2021-07-19)
Here we present a model aimed at contributing to the literature around sustainable supply chains by examining a novel redesign initiative of the chocolate supply chain within the Peruvian cacao (cocoa) industry. Using the ...
La estrategia de valor compartido implantada por Nestlé aplicada en AJE GROUPThe shared value strategy implemented by Nestle applied in AJE GROUP
(Fundación Universitaria Empresarial de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá: Uniempresarial.Escuela de Administración, 2018)
Knowledge sharing in the software industry: the importance of an adequate environment
(Univ Federal Parana, Dept Ciencia & Gestao Informacao, 2022-01-01)
Introduction: sharing is one of the most important knowledge management processes, since knowledge is in people's minds and it should be externalized in order to be used to create and add value to the organization. Through ...
Create, share and learn. Experiences with free software, free culture and collaboration in formal and non formal education in Colombia
New media technologies, specially software have been of great impact in modern society.The combination of computer/software/networks as creative machines is present in everyday life. This article is focused in this ...