Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1005
GENE: Graph generation conditioned on named entities for polarity and controversy detection in social media
Many of the interactions between users on social networks are controversial, specially in polarized environments. In effect, rather than producing a space for deliberation, these environments foster the emergence of users ...
An analysis of the semantic-discursive organization of controversy in contrapunteos llanerosLa controversia en el contrapunteo llanero: análisis de la organización semántico-discursiva
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2017)
(Univ Estadual Oeste Parana-unioeste, 2015-01-01)
The advertisements are a discursive genre that are meant to promote a brand, product or service attracting investors and / or customers. Its constitution strategies are varied: ranging from humor to the controversy. This ...
The political-administrative strategy of the emperor Theodosius II in Nestorius' appointment to the Episcopacy of Constantinople (428 AD)A estratégia político-administrativa do imperador Teodósio II na convocação de Nestório para o episcopado de Constantinopla (428 d.C.)
The aim of this article is to analyze the politico-administrative strategy of Emperor Theodosius II (408-450 AD) in the appointment of Bishop Nestorius to the Episcopacy of Constantinople in AD 428. This event led to the ...
Response to J.A. Nelder: What is the mixed models controversy?.
(Int Statistical Inst, 2008-12)
We begin by apologizing for the lamentable omission of Professor Nelder’s interesting andcontroversial papers both in Lencinaet al.(2005) and in Lencina & Singer (2006). Although he focus of our papers is much narrower ...
The geographic scaling of biotic interactions
(Wiley, 2014-01)
A central tenet of ecology and biogeography is that the broad outlines of species ranges are determined by climate, whereas the effects of biotic interactions are manifested at local scales. While the first proposition is ...
Song-lyrics based lessons with controversial issues to foster productive language skills interaction in the EFL classroom.
(Universidad Pedagógica NacionalMaestría en Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en Inglés/FrancésFacultad de Humanidades, 2020)
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto de la implementación de lecciones basadas en canciones y temas controversiales para fomentar la interacción de habilidades lingüísticas relacionadas a la producción ...