Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9368
Relationship between continuous improvement and innovation performance: an empirical study in Brazilian manufacturing companies
The continuous improvement programs and innovation have been stimulated and widely
deployed due to the importance to the competitiveness of the organisations, being
subjects of interest in several studies. However, there ...
Relationship between continuous improvement and innovation performance: an empirical study in Brazilian manufacturing companies
The continuous improvement programs and innovation have been stimulated and widely
deployed due to the importance to the competitiveness of the organisations, being
subjects of interest in several studies. However, there ...
Engaged Versus Disengaged Teaching Staff: A Case Study of Continuous Curriculum Improvement in Higher Education
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)
Over the past two decades, external influences over continuous curriculum improvement have increased, so universities have implemented centralized approaches to respond to external accountability demands, such as national ...
Satisfaction of the Graduate for the Continuous Improvement of Educational Quality in UNTELS
(Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur, 2019)
The Universidad Nacional Tecnologica de Lima Sur (UNTELS), like all universities, has as one of its objectives the training of professionals with skills that the changing working world requires. One way to establish the ...
Applying Six Sigma (SS) to Improve the Quality of Academic Life (QAL)
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Sustainability: What Does it Mean for the Operations Manager?
(FGV EAESP, 2008)
Melhoria contínua em uma empresa manufatureira de médio porte: desenvolvimento de modelo e sistemática de implementação por meio de pesquisa-ação
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - PPGEP, 2006-12-04)
The purpose of this proposal was to implement the Continuous Improvement
in a medium size manufacturing company, involving from the development up to the
implementation stages. A review was conducted on production ...
Caracterização de práticas de melhoria contínua e seus impactos : estudo de caso em uma empresa de bens de consumo
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - PPGEP, 2012-08-27)
Competitiveness of companies demands strategies that respond to competitive challenges in the organization. One way to address these challenges is related to Total Quality Management, in particular the continuous improvement ...
Prácticas de mejoramiento continuo en la Planta de Producción de Potencia de ABB, enfocadas en la estrategia de Housekeeping
This practice report describes the application of one of the methodologies that is part of continuous improvement, called Housekeeping, within the production plant of ABB power, particularly in the assembly area, located ...