Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3298
Defining ‘Architecture’ for Software Engineering – A Review of Terminology
There are many terms used in the industry that relate to similar topics. Architecture is one of them. In many companies, representatives develop Information Architectures even though this term was conceptualized to be used ...
Composing architectural aspects based on style semantics
The lack of architecturally-significant mechanisms for aspectual composition might artificially hinder the specification of stable and reusable design aspects. Current aspect-oriented approaches at the architecture-level ...
Estado del arte del concepto teoría arquitectónica.
(Universidad Católica de Colombia, 2005-07-01)
Este artículo revisa brevemente, el concepto de Teoría desde distintas disciplinas y se acerca a formular la idea de Teoría en la arquitectura. Expone que la teoría nace del proceso de reflexión que el ser humano realiza ...
Estado actual del desarrollo humano en el programa de arquitectura de la universidad Católica de Pereira
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2016-01-20)
The following text reviews the Educational Project Architecture Program (PEP) of the Catholic University of Pereira, with the aim to meet and identify which is the explicit and implicit concept of Human Development proposed ...
L’architecture prospective en Tchécoslovaquie: Convergences et divergences entre l’approche du groupe slovaque VAL (1968-1994) et la théorie architecturale de Michel Ragon
(Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, 2017-09)
The article discusses the resonance of Michel Ragon’s concept of prospective architecture in Czechoslovakia by taking the group VAL (Voies et Aspects du Lendemain) as an example. The article focuses not only on the ...
Traffic Architectures: chaining architectural tools in transport infrastructures planning
The present article intends to reflect on a series of examples that relapsed in exploring the existing synergy between transport infrastructure and architecture, deciphering the important mainstream of “traffic architectures”. ...
Teatros de papel 1765-1860 ¿Construcción de un modelo “a la francesa”?
Desde mediados del siglo XVIII, la arquitectura teatral fue objeto de múltiples debates por cuanto ya no satisfacía las exigencias de la puesta en escena, ni del público que demandaba cada vez más comodidades. Las reflexiones ...
Architectures for Tinkering?: Contextual Strategies towards Interoperability in E-government
(Universidad de Talca, 2011)