Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 443
Model for Differential Nursing Diagnosis of Alterations in Urinary Elimination Based on Fuzzy Logic
Comparing the Teaching-Learning Process With and Without the Use of Computerized Technological Resources
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011-04-01)
Computerized technological resources have become essential in education, particularly for teaching topics that require the performance of specific tasks. These resources can effectively help the execution of such tasks and ...
Comparing the Teaching-Learning Process With and Without the Use of Computerized Technological Resources
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011-04-01)
Computerized technological resources have become essential in education, particularly for teaching topics that require the performance of specific tasks. These resources can effectively help the execution of such tasks and ...
Implantação e avaliação do MOOC: pesquisa em base de dados de enfermagem
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-11-13)
Introduction: Given the benefits of the application of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in the different scenarios of the nurses' work, it is necessary that
computer skills be included in both their training ...
Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem : ferramenta de ensino para o processo de enfermagemVirtual Learning Environment : Teaching Tool for Nursing Process
(Universidade Federal de SergipePós-Graduação em Ciências da SaúdeBRUFS, 2017)
Desenvolvimento e avaliação do serious game Cuidando bem : simulação por computador sobre segurança do paciente
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem - PPGEnfCâmpus São Carlos, 2017-02-16)
Patient safety is a relevant topic in the healthcare context, becoming a priority issue in the health area. In this context, the Ministry of Health and Anvisa issued ordinance 529 on April 1st, 2013, which establishes the ...
Application of a model based on fuzzy logic for evaluating nursing diagnostic accuracy of students
(Elsevier Ireland LtdClareIrlanda, 2013)