Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2601
Trust and commitment in the formation of donor loyalty
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
This cross-national study empirically tests a model that explains the ways in which trust and commitment lead to loyalty in the organization-donor relationship. This research fills a gap in the literature by contrasting ...
Why do people keep their promises? An overview of strategic commitment
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - Escuela de Economía, 2015-07-01)
Strategic commitments, such as promises and threats, pose several problems to the standard model of economic rationality: first, they can only arise when there is an incentive to free ride; second, they need to be credible ...
The relationship between brand logos and customer relationship in Chile
With the development of science and technology, the connection between consumers and the products has become more and more close. Various of channels relate to the consumers, marketing strategies are vital to the company ...
Optimization-based expansion planning for power and hydrogen systems with feedback from a unit commitment model
This paper presents a novel long-term model for the joint expansion planning of power and hydrogen systems with short-term operational considerations. We propose linear reserve constraints with adjustable parameters within ...
Marginal Literature: The Genealogy of a Resistance WritingLiteratura marginal: a genealogia de uma escrita de resistência
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022)
Determinants of Smart City Commitment among Citizens from a Middle City in Argentina
(MDPI, 2021-08-06)
This paper aims to examine the determinants of smart-city commitment across individuals from Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Literature has identified different factors explaining citizens’ commitment to smart cities, such as ...
Between literature, science and social commitmentEntre la literatura, la ciencia y el compromiso social
(Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), 2019)
Determinantes do relacionamento no canal de distribuição : um estudo no setor de bebidas
(Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos, 2010-03-26)
Marketing channels and distribution can be considered one of the most important elements of the strategy of an organization. The nature of interdependence and relationship between organizations involved in the process of ...
Determinantes do relacionamento no canal de distribuição : um estudo no setor de bebidas
(Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos, 2010-03-26)
Marketing channels and distribution can be considered one of the most important elements of the strategy of an organization. The nature of interdependence and relationship between organizations involved in the process of ...
Why not settle down already? A quantitative analysis of the delay in marriage
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016-05)
A striking change in American society in the last 40 years has been the decline and delay in marriage. The fraction of young adults who have never been married increased significantly between 1970 and 2000. Idiosyncratic ...