Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 368
Cultural damage and reparation of victims in the Colombian armed conflict. The case of the black peasant community of San Cristóbal (Montes de María – Colombia)
(Cartagena de Indias, 2021-05-16)
The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the cultural damage caused by the armed conflict in the black peasant community of San Cristóbal, in Montes de María, one of the regions most affected by the prolonged ...
Protecting the mountain, stripping the peasant. Tensions by Territorial Planning in Viotá (Cundinamarca, Colombia)
This article addresses the territorial conflict between peasant communities of coffee farmers in Viotá (Cundinamarca, Colombia) and the Colombian state as a result of land management and rural territorial planning decisions. ...
Campesinato e agroecologia na Colômbia: um estudo sobre as práticas produtivas e a relação com a natureza dos camponeses da Associação de Apicultores do Maciço Colombiano - APIMACIZO
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural - PPGADR-ArCâmpus Araras, 2018-02-19)
The aim of this research is to analyze the model of appropriation of nature from the concept of Agroecology, in a group of peasants associated in the Association of Beekeepers of the Colombian Macizo -APIMACIZO-, located ...
Colonización y estrategias organizativas: memoria histórica de los campesinos afiliados al Sindicato de Trabajadores Agrícolas Independientes del Meta (Sintragim), en Mesetas-Colombia, 1959-2017Colonization and organizational strategies: historical memory of the peasant affiliated with the Union of Independent Agricultural Workers of Meta (Sintragrim), in Mesetas-Colombia, 1959-2017
(Revista Páginas. Escuela de Historia. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2019)
Entre víctimas y subversivos. Un estudio de las representaciones de los campesinos colombianos en dos periódicos entre 1991 y 2008
(Universidad del RosarioPeriodismo y Opinión PúblicaEscuela de Ciencias Humanas, 2009)
This paper identifies and analyzes some of the categories employed by the Colombian press to represent peasants, specifically El Tiempo and Boyacá 7 Días newspapers between 1991 and 2008. I concentrate on two of the most ...
Novas perspectivas para a comercialização de produtos agroecológicos: um estudo de caso em Hojarasca Carmen de Viboral, Colômbia
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural - PPGADR-Ar, 2014-08-26)
The systematization of an agroecological transition and the local-regional markets is extremely important to build knowledge on this area. This systematization enable people, who are involved on this work, to have more ...
Buying off the revolution: Evidence from the colombian national peasant movement, 1957-1985
(Universidad de los AndesFacultad de Economía, 2022-11)
This paper shows that franchise extension is not enough for commitment to redistribution and that in the absence of de facto empowerment, the threat of revolution is intact. In particular, the paper studies the relationship ...