Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 496
The 2010 Meningococcal outbreak in Bahia, Brazil, was caused by 2 different STs belonging to Clonal Complex ST-103O surto de meningite meningocócica de 2010 na Bahia foi causado por dois ST diferentes pertencentes ao Complexo Clonal ST-103
(Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde, 2014)
Distribution System Reconfiguration with Variable Demands Using the Clonal Selection Algorithm
(Ieee, 2015-01-01)
This paper describes the application of the clonal selection algorithm to the reconfiguration problem of distribution networks considering non-uniform demand levels. The Clonal Algorithm, CLONALG, is a combinatorial ...
Distribution System Reconfiguration with variable demands using the Clonal selection Algorithm
This paper describes the application of the clonal selection algorithm to the reconfiguration problem of distribution networks considering non-uniform demand levels. The Clonal Algorithm, CLONALG, is a combinatorial ...
Clonal complexes of Staphylococcus aureus: all mixed and together
(Wiley-BlackwellChichester, 2014-02)
In this manuscript, we show that the most important clonal complexes of Staphylococcus aureus, CC1, CC5, CC8, CC15 and CC97, are now all connected by EBURST when run on the Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) database. The ...
Clonal Complex Chromosome Aberration in Non-Ossifying Fibroma
(WILEY-LISS, 2010)
Cytogenetic information of non-ossifying fibromas (NOFs) is exceptionally limited. This fact relies, in part, on their benign nature but mainly because most cases evolve undetected or there is no need for surgical intervention. ...
Emergence and persistence of high-risk clones among MDR and XDR A. baumanniiat a Brazilian teaching hospital
Dissemination of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii is currently one of the priority themes discussed around the world, including in Brazil, where this pathogen is considered endemic. A total of 107 carbapenem-resistant ...
Reconfiguration of Radial Distribution Systems with Variable Demands Using the Clonal Selection Algorithm and the Specialized Genetic Algorithm of Chu–Beasley
This paper presents two new approaches to solve the reconfiguration problem of electrical distribution systems (EDSs) with variable demands, using the CLONALG and the SGACB algorithms. The CLONALG is a combinatorial ...
The 2010 Meningococcal outbreak in Bahia, Brazil, was caused by 2 different STs belonging to Clonal Complex ST-103
(Instituto Nacional de Controle de Qualidade em Saúde, 2013)
Um surto de doença meningocócica foi detectado em 2009 no estado da Bahia (NE) com onze casos confirmados e sete óbitos. A partir do material coletado dos onze casos foi possível isolar cinco cepas de meningococos do sorogrupo ...