Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1627
Adaptation to the climate change and management of natural risks: searching for synthesis in urban planning
Since the late 1980s, a new vocabulary associated with concerns about climate change has emerged. Nevertheless, this article argues that the concepts used to describe urban adaptation are a part of the history of urban ...
Risks and political responses to climate change in Brazilian coastal cities
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdonInglaterra, 2014)
Disclosure of climate risk information by the worlds largest companies
(CrossMark, 2018-02-10)
The risks related to global climate change are seen as threats to companies, taking into consideration their impact on the return on investment. In order to mitigate climate risk and introduce new opportunities to financiers, ...
Resilience for disaster risk management in a changing climate: Practitioners’ frames and practices
(Elsevier, 2015)
There is a growing use of resilience ideas within the disaster risk management literature and policy
domain. However, few empirical studies have focused on how resilience ideas are conceptualized by
practitioners, as ...
Adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management in business education: a case study in Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Brazil
(Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade (FGVces), 2016-03)
This White Paper presents FGV´s Master in Sustainability Management (MSM), a program initially offered in 2005, and the recommendations to increase and reinforce the adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management ...
Catastrophe zones by hydro-meteorological events in Chile and contributions for a climate risk index
It is estimated that changes in global weather patterns and natural dynamics can cause a high incidence of extreme events, and therefore increase risk levels. In this study, we review the major climatic and hydrometeorological ...
Hunter, Garfield
Flood risk from geophysical and hydroclimatic hazards: an essential integration for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation in the coastal zone
Coastal zones worldwide have been subjected to increasingly high anthropic pressures over the last 50 years. The rapid urban growth rate together with the acceleration of Climate Change are boosting negative impacts on a ...