Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 494
Scandinavian Pentecostal Mission in the Argentine Chaco. First stage: 1914-1945La misión pentecostal escandinava en el Chaco Argentino. La etapa formativa: 1914-1945
(Sección Etnohistoria, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. FFyL, UBA, 2011)
La tragedia del mediador salvaje : en torno a tres biografías indígenas de la guerra del Chaco
El artículo analiza la articulación entre los ejércitos nacionales y los grupos indígenas del Chaco boreal durante la guerra del Chaco (1932-1935). El argumento sigue la biografía de tres “mediadores” indígenas –el “Sargento ...
Élite socio-política y política exterior: los Cancilleres argentinos en el contexto del diferendo por el Chaco Boreal entre Bolivia y Paraguay
(Centro de Estudios en Relaciones Internacionales de Rosario, 2019)
The Pilaga of the Argentine Chaco through an exoticizing and ethnographic lens: The Swedish documentary film Following Indian trails by the Pilcomayo River
(Coaction Publishing, 2013-10)
In this article, we explore how traveling relates to image production and how transcultural filmic representations both uphold and are sustained by a "coloniality of seeing." We pay special attention to the historical ...
The Pilagá of the Argentine Chaco through an exoticizing and ethnographic lens : the swedish documentary film following indian trails by the pilcomayo river
(Coaction Publishing, 2013-10)
In this article, we explore how traveling relates to image production and how transcultural filmic representations both uphold and are sustained by a "coloniality of seeing." We pay special attention to the historical ...
Dieta de la culebra xenodon merremi (squamata : dipsadidae) en una localidad del Chaco húmedo de Argentina
(Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, 2014-06)
Se analizó la dieta de Xenodon merremi Fitzinger, 1826 [syn. Waglerophis merremi (Wagler 1824)] en una localidad de la provincia de Chaco Chaco húmedo, Argentina. La dieta consistía en ranas de las familias Leptodactylidae ...
Being an Indigenous Interpreter in Chaco (Argentina): Stakes of a Category Under ConstructionSer intérprete indígena en Chaco (Argentina): implicancias de una categoría en construcciónÊtre un interprète indigène au Chaco (Argentine) : Des enjeux d’une catégorie en construction
(Universidad de Antioquia, 2022)
Use of fauna in the traditional medicine of native Toba (qom) from the Argentine Gran Chaco region: an ethnozoological and conservationist approach
(Ethnobiology and Conservation, 2013-05)
The Gran Chaco region is an area of vast cultural and biological richness that is
inhabited by different American indigenous hunter-gatherer groups and has a great
number of threatened wildlife species. An ethnozoological ...
‘Winners’ and ‘losers’ of the agricultural expansion in the Argentine Dry Chaco
(Routledge, 2020-08)
Biodiversity and natural resources constitute a social safety net for forest-dependent communities and represent their main source of livelihood. Agricultural expansion driven by global food demand is not only deeply ...