Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6223
Compact TiO2 blocking-layer prepared by LbL for perovskite solar cells
Blocking-layer are very important for the overall efficiency improvement in perovskite solar cells, PSCs. This layer must be thin enough to allow the light to reach the perovskite layer and have low electrical resistance ...
Layer-by-layer TiO(2) films as efficient blocking layers in dye-sensitized solar cells
Charge recombination at the conductor substrate/electrolyte interface has been prevented by using efficient blocking layers of TiO(2) compact films in dye-sensitized solar cell photoanodes. Compact blocking layers have ...
Multi-layers Lateral SOI PIN Photodiodes for Solar Cells Applications
(Ieee, 2019-01-01)
In this paper, a lateral PIN photodiode based on a SOI wafer has been studied through numerical simulations. This device can be used as a solar cell embedded in a CMOS circuit in order to propose autonomous ultralow-power ...
Multi-layers lateral SOI PIN photodiodes for solar cells applications
In this paper, a lateral PIN photodiode based on a SOI wafer has been studied through numerical simulations. This device can be used as a solar cell embedded in a CMOS circuit in order to propose autonomous ultralow-power ...
Effects of sigracet® gas diffusion layers, with different porosity and hydrophobic agent, on the performance of low platinum loading pem fuel cells
(Universidad de Ingeniería y TecnologíaPE, 2019)
This thesis studied the performance of low platinum loading proton Exchange membrane fuel cells that were fabricated using the inkjet printing method and assembled with four different types of SIGRACET® gas diffusion layers ...
Differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem cells from equine bone marrow cultured on hyaluronic acid-chitosan polyelectrolyte multilayer biofilm
Nanotechnology techniques have a prominent role in the current technical and scientific scene. The layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition allows obtaining nanostructures with sophisticated multilayer, using a simple, but versatile ...
Polyelectrolyte multilayers for enhancing cell adhesion and potential applications in tissue engineering
(Asociación Química Argentina, 2018-10)
Polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) assembled by de Layer by Layer (LbL) technique offer multiplepossibilities for surface engineering as an alternative to covalent chemistry. PEMs have recently attractedattention as a mean ...