Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 199
The intellectuals of Italian Catholic Action and the sacralisation of politics in 1930s Europe
There has been a growing revival of interest in the subject of political religion in recent years. However, despite this tendency, the perspective of contemporary Italian Catholics on the subject has hardly been touched ...
Seeking Forgiveness: Factor Structure in Samples from Latin America, Africa, Asia and Southern Europe
The study examined, using confirmatory factor analyses, the three-factor structure of the Disposition to Seek Forgiveness Questionnaire – inability in seeking forgiveness, sensitivity to circumstances before seeking ...
Democratic statecraft: Tocqueville, democracy in America: part 2 [Introduction to political philosophy]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2016)
Democratic statecraft: Tocqueville, democracy in America: part 2 [Introduction to political philosophy]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2011)
Catholic social movements face modernity
(Routledge, 2022)
Hagiography as a platform for internal Catholic debate in early Modern Europe: Francisco de Ribera's la vida de la madre teresa de iesus (1590) and the defense of a contemplative way inside the Jesuit order
(Cambridge University Press, 2020-06)
By the end of the sixteenth century, the Society of Jesus was redefining its ever-growing organization. Starting with the generals Mercurian and Acquaviva, the order attempted to leave behind the open spaces devoted to ...
La fe de Prometeo : crítica y secularización en el catolicismo argentino de los años cincuenta
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2010)
El artículo propone observar las transformaciones de la cultura católica argentina en la segunda posguerra. Recurre al uso de la crítica literaria, cinematográfica y teatral como insumo, un prisma para observar el proceso ...
A ação católica e o papel restaurador do clero
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2022-02-17)
The transformations in Europe throughout the 19th century, from the Enlightenment (17thcentury), Industrial Revolution (18th century) and French Revolution (18th century), provoked political, economic and cultural changes. ...
El espejo de Europa en la Argentina: autores católicos en la revista Criterio durante los últimos años de Pío XIIEurope as a mirros for Argentina: Catholic authors in criterio journal during pius XII last year pontificate
(Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Asociación De Estudios Interdisciplinarios Sobre Europa, 2016-11)
El artículo explora los problemas y expectativas que los autores europeos transmitían a través de la revista argentina Criterio, durante los últimos años de Pío XII. Se concluyó que los escritores eran principalmente ...
Una revista curial antisemita en el Siglo XIX: Civiltá Cattolica
(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, División de Historia, 2016)