Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1932
Evaluation of the performance model of social cognitive theory of career: Contributions of differential learning experiences
(Sociedad Espanola de Pedagogia, 2015-10)
Introduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the structure of the self-efficacy sources scale in Mathematics (Usher & Pajares, 2009) and the academic performance model proposed by the Social Cognitive Career Theory ...
Carreiras no Poder Executivo Federal: a busca do alinhamento entre a teoria e a prática
The labor world has been changing in the course of the last decades and following those shifts the nature of the relationship between organizations and professionals is also changing. A relatively new multidisciplinary ...
Promoting quality education in Chile: the politics of reforming teacher careers
(Routledge, 2019)
Reformers in developing countries increasingly seek to raise education quality. Yet we know little about the politics of improving education. One significant and instructive case of reforms designed to boost education ...
Promoting quality education in Chile: the politics of reforming teacher careers
(Routledge, 2019)
Reformers in developing countries increasingly seek to raise education quality. Yet we know little about the politics of improving education. One significant and instructive case of reforms designed to boost education ...
'content To Be Sad' Or 'runaway Apprentice'? The Psychological Contract And Career Agency Of Young Scientists In The Entrepreneurial University
University students' career choice intentions: Guesss Colombia study
(Revista Espacios, 2017-01-01)
This article aims to describe the university students' career intentions from the theory of planned behavior. Data are obtained from GUESSS, an international research that examines students' career intentions (founders, ...
Barreiras e suporte: evidências de validade de um instrumento integrado de variáveis contextuais de carreiraBarriers and support: validity evidences of a integrated instrument of career contextual variables
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPsicologia, 2022)