Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 44
Evaluación de parámetros zootécnicos a distintas edades del destete en engorde de cobayos (Cavia porcellus)
To evaluate the optimal weaning age at 7, 14 and 21 days in the zootechnical parameters in fattening guinea pigs. Whose result gives us weaned animals at 21 days has greater weekly weight gain, lower mortality and higher ...
Evaluación del crecimiento y mortalidad en cobayos suplementados con pulpa de naranja
This document consist in evaluate the growth and mortality of guinea pigs weaned at 15 days supplemented with orange pulp, the variables analyzed were: body weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and mortality ...
Respuesta del cobayo a dos tipos de especies de pastos
The present document consists in evaluate the physiology performance of guinea pig from 20 to 25 days old supplemented with alfalfa and maralfalfa the variable was studied: weight gain, feed conversion, mortality and ...
Análisis de sustentabilidad de unidades productivas de animales menores en tres comunidades de la parroquia El Valle cantón Cuenca
This paper assesses the sustainability of productive units using indicators that provide information on small animal production in conventional and agroecological systems that are productive option from the environmental, ...
Elaboración de un etograma de machos reproductores de cobayos (Cavia porcellus) en un sistema de producción en jaula, mediante el uso de un registro focal continuo
This research used a continuous film recording and sampling "Ad libitum", wich used 24 experimental units (male breeding guinea pigs). This research study was focused on the visualization and analysis of behaviors like ...
Elaboración de un etograma de hembras reproductoras de cobayos (Cavia porcellus) en un sistema de producción en jaula, mediante el uso de un registro focal continuo
With this research it was possible to characterize and find exactly how behavioral habits are produced in breeding female guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus), demonstrating ethological differences by sampling "Ad libitum", in ...
Elaboración de un etograma de gazapos de cobayos (Cavia porcellus) en un sistema de producción en jaula, mediante el uso de un registro focal continuo
This research aimed to identify and record the different behaviors of baby guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) using a continuous focal recording and sampling "Ad libitum", wich allowed to analyze different types of behaviors ...
Elaboración de un etograma de cobayos machos en etapa de engorde (Cavia porcellus) en un sistema de producción en jaula, mediante el uso de un registro focal continuo
The purpose of this research was to identify behavioral habits of males in fattening stage (Cavia porcellus), through the "Ad libitum" sampling, with which it was possible to observe species behaviors such as: rest, food, ...
Evaluación de dos sistemas de producción en cuyes (Cavia porcellus)
The experimental work was developed with a population of 100 animals, where two production systems in pools with cement floor and mesh cages were evaluated, and each system has with 50 experimental units, five replications ...
Efecto del Manano Oligosacárido (MOS) a dosis de 1g/Kg en un alimento balanceado en el crecimiento y mortalidad en cobayos (Cavia porcellus) hembras
Esta investigación evalúa el efecto del manano-oligosacárido (MOS) sobre el incremento de peso, conversión alimenticia y mortalidad en cobayos hembras, se realizó tres tratamientos: (a) Control, (b) MOS y (c) Antibiótico ...