Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 147
Análisis de normativa de puesta a tierra para sistemas fotovoltaicos
This project presents an overview of grounding requirements for photovoltaic systems. It establishes procedures for grounding design, various methods and recommendations based on standards and case studies, resulting in a ...
Diseño y evaluación de configuraciones de puesta a tierra en diferentes tipos de suelo empleando materiales de baja resistividad
The grounding system (SPT) designs recommended in the computer program and mobile application are determined based on the combination of calculations and measurements, and the use of low-resistivity materials (LRM). In ...
Homologación de la malla de puesta a tierra de la Central Hidroeléctrica Hidroabanico - Macas, Morona Santiago
The objective of the study is to determine if the grounding mesh of the Hidroabanico power plant complies with the safety parameters and established standards, in the event that they do not comply, a redesign of the grounding ...
Propuesta para optimización sistemas de malla de puesta a tierra de las áreas de producción de UCEM - Planta Guapán
The present investigative work was developed with the objective of evaluating the existing grounding system in the Industrias Guapán plant and generating an optimization proposal for it. To measure the resistance and ...
Proyecto de Electrodo de Puesta a Tierra Terrestre para Sistema HVDC
(Universidad de ChilePrograma Cybertesis, 2008)