Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 189
Eventos de cirrus y múltiples tropopausas sobre Buenos Aires
(Asociación Física Argentina, 2022)
Estudo de propriedades físicas de nuvens Cirrus em Natal utilizando dados do sistema Lidar-DUSTER e radiossondagens
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEngenharia Ambiental, 2018-07-06)
Cirrus clouds are classified as the highest clouds in the atmosphere occurring generally from 7 to 18 km, depending on the global region of appearance, and have necessarily ice crystals in their composition. They still ...
Cirrus clouds observation in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul during the experiment Chuva - Sul.
(Chuva ProjectSão Paulo, 2013-05-08)
Cirrus clouds are an interesting point in the research of the atmosphere due their behavior and the effect on the earth radiation budget. They can affect the atmospheric radiation budget by reflecting the incoming solar ...
Geometrical and optical parameters of tropopause cirrus clouds in the Southern Hemisphere
(Universidad Católica Argentina, 2011)
Resumen: En el presente trabajo se analizan las principales propiedades ópticas de las nubes cirrus de la tropopausa, tales como el espesor óptico, coeficiente de extinción y atenuación, por medio de observaciones realizadas ...
Optical and geometrical properties of cirrus clouds in Amazonia derived from 1 year of ground-based lidar measurements
(Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, 2017)
Cirrus clouds cover a large fraction of tropical latitudes and play an important role in Earth's radiation budget. Their optical properties, altitude, vertical and horizontal coverage control their radiative forcing, and ...
Tropopause and cirrus clouds tops heights
(Universidad Católica Argentina, 2010)
Resumen: Las nubes cirrus han atraído recientemente mucha atención debido a su importante rol e impacto en el balance radiativo de la atmósfera. Esto resalta la necesidad de mejorar las mediciones de la atmósfera, a través ...
Monitoring cirrus clouds with lidar in the Southern Hemisphere : a local study over Buenos Aires. 1. Tropopause heights
Abstract: Cirrus clouds in the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere have recently drawn much attention due to their important role and impact on the atmospheric radiative balance. Because they are located in the ...