Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 236
Sistemas de transporte público masivo tipo BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) y desarrollo urbano en América Latina
Latin American cities have led the implementation of BRT-type Bus Mass Public Transportation Systems (named after Bus Rapid Transit), a mode of transportation that is generally characterized by the development of infrastructure ...
Os perigos da flexibilização de carros nas vias do BRT do Rio
(Instituto Dialog, 2017-06-14)
Transit reforms in intermediate cities of Colombia: An ex-post evaluation
(Elsevier, 2020)
We use monthly data on transit supply and ridership to evaluate the impact of BRT type reforms in intermediate cities in Colombia. We find that these reforms are associated with a decrease in aggregate transit ridership. ...
Avaliação do ciclo de vida do sistema bus rapid system (BRT): um estudo de caso da TranscariocaLife cycle assessment of bus rapid transit (BRT): a case study of Transcarioca
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilEscola PolitécnicaUFRJ, 2022)
Conglomerates of bus rapid transit in latin american countries
(Universidad de la Costa, 2020)
Bus Rapid Transit: End of trend in Latin America?
(Cambridge University Press, 2024)
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has grown fast in the last 25 years, promising low-cost, rapid implementation, and large positive impacts. Despite advances, many systems in middle- and low-income countries face operational and ...