Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 317
Tectono-depositional correlation between the Brazilian continental margin and the Rio Grande RiseCorrelação tectono-deposicional entre a margem continental brasileira e a Elevação do Rio Grande
(Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências, 2020)
Biogeography and biodiversity of gastropod molluscs from the eastern Brazilian continental shelf and slope
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso<BR>Facultad de Recursos Naturales<BR>Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, 2009)
Late Oligocene???Miocene transgressions along the equatorial and eastern margins of Brazil
(Earth-Science Reviews, 2013)
Thermochronology and landscape evolution of the Serra do Caparaó region, an onshore segment of the Brazilian South Atlantic continental margin
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilIGC - DEPARTAMENTO DE GEOLOGIAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em GeologiaUFMG, 2022-04-27)
The origin and evolution of elevated passive continental margins have intrigued geoscientists since their prominent topography is more reasonably explained in the context of an active rift than a mature `passive’ setting. ...
Long-term landscape evolution and post-rift reactivation in the southeastern Brazilian passive continental margin: Taubat, basin
(Springer, 2014-03-01)
Zircon (ZFT) and apatite (AFT) fission-track low-temperature thermochronology was applied at the Brazilian passive continental margin in order to understand and reconstruct the post-rift evolution since the breakup of ...
Late Oligocene–Miocene transgressions along the equatorial and eastern margins of Brazil
(Earth-Science ReviewsBrasil, 2013)
The seaboard of Brazil is a highly favorable setting for studying episodes of worldwide sea-level rise because of its passive nature. Previous studies of the equatorial coast of Brazil have led to the recognition of extensive ...
Testing the influence of far-field topographic forcing on subduction initiation at a passive margin
(Amsterdam, 2014-04-10)
Despite favourable gravitational instability and ridge-push, elastic and frictional forces prevent subduction initiation fromarising spontaneously at passive margins. Here,we argue that forces arising fromlarge continental ...
An??lise batim??trica e tafon??mica da microfauna de foramin??feros da plataforma e talude continentais do munic??pio de conde, Bahia
(Revista caderno de geoci??ncias, 2012)