Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 91
Análise numérica e experimental da região dos filetes de rosca em uniões aparafusadas
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de MecânicaEngenharia MecânicaUTFPR, 2015-02-06)
Many structures and machines are built using bolt and nut joints in different fields like automotive industry, industrial equipment, construction and others. Bolt and nut joints are easier to assemble and disassemble than ...
Resistência de ligações com parafuso passante com porca e arruela em madeira
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo Mourao, 2013-09-03)
The construction of timber structures generally requires joints between the parts that compose them. These joints must ensure security and durability to the structure and
be compatible with the evaluated mechanical requests. ...
Nuts and Bolts of Education
(Daily Express, 2005)
This article suggests that in keeping with the demands of contemporary times, secondary school teachers need to train their students to be creative and resourceful thinkers
Topological terms and the Misner string entropy
(American Physical Society, 2021-01)
The method of topological renormalization in anti-de Sitter (AdS) gravity consists in adding to the action a topological term which renders it finite, defining at the same time a well-posed variational problem. Here, we ...
Análise do torque de aperto em uniões parafusadas
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-02-28)
As uniões parafusadas possuem uma grande aplicação na indústria, mas quando se pensa na utilização de parafusos existe uma impressão de ser um elemento de simples dimensionamento e de fácil aplicação. No entanto, o ...
Estudio del efecto de pregarga en la deformación de una junta atornillada
RESUMEN: El presente estudio se enfoca en evaluar cómo se relaciona la deformación radial de una
tuerca estándar al ser apretada con la carga de tensión obtenida en el tornillo planteando
un método alterno que aporte al ...
Modeling stick-slip in bolted joint tightening process
Stick-slip affects torque-preload relationship during bolted joint tightening process. Its occurrence is not always possible to avoid and it can lead to an unreliable joint. In this study, tightening process was investigated ...
Modeling stick-slip in bolted joint tightening process
Stick-slip affects torque-preload relationship during bolted joint tightening process. Its occurrence is not always possible to avoid and it can lead to an unreliable joint. In this study, tightening process was investigated ...
Modeling and Experimental Aspects of Self-healing Bolted Joint through Shape Memory Alloy Actuators
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2011-09-01)
Bolted joints are a form of mechanical coupling largely used in machinery due to their reliability and low cost. Failure of bolted joints can lead to catastrophic events, such as leaking, train derailments, aircraft crashes, ...
Modeling and Experimental Aspects of Self-healing Bolted Joint through Shape Memory Alloy Actuators
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2011-09-01)
Bolted joints are a form of mechanical coupling largely used in machinery due to their reliability and low cost. Failure of bolted joints can lead to catastrophic events, such as leaking, train derailments, aircraft crashes, ...