Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 692
Arquitectura conceptual para la gestión de activos físicos en un Banco del Ecuador mediante Iot
Scientific references were examined to know asset management models that use IoT, some proposals are theoretical and others are implemented in architecture and software. The objective is to design a conceptual architecture ...
Strengthening of the phytosanitary and zoosanitary regulation and control agency (AGROCALIDAD) and its national food safety system, based on the experience and management model of the chilean food safety and quality agency (ACHIPIA). Capacity building in AGROCALIDAD to bolster Ecuador’s food safety and quality system
(IICA, 2021)
Agro-quality capacities and the food safety and quality system of Ecuador are developed; through an information gathering and a workshop in the country to obtain a global vision. As a result of the information analysis, ...
La gestión de riesgo en las operaciones de bancos privados en el período 2013-2016
(Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, extensión Guayaquil, 2018)
Best Practices Bank. Successful experiences in horizontal cooperation
(IICA, 2021)
A compilation of successful projects developed with the interest of sustainable development goals is presented. In the materials, the problems of the region or country are recognized and finally the implementation of the ...
Modelo computacional de datos para gestión de captaciones bancarias del sector ecuatoriano basado en Big Data
Big Data applies technological concepts in many industries today, industries generate a large volume of heterogeneous data that can be retrieved, processed, analyzed for executives to observe, and project the business. The ...
La gestión tributaria en cajas de ahorros como herramienta de control.Tax management in savings banks as a control tool
(Editorial Ciencia Digital, 2020)