Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
The one hundred year journey of the genus Brucella (Mayer and Shaw 1920)
(Oxford University Press, 2021-01-01)
The genus Brucella, described by Meyer and Shaw in 1920, comprises bacterial pathogens of veterinary and public health relevance. For 36 years, the genus came to include three species that caused brucellosis in livestock ...
Desarrollo y validación química y serológica de un ensayo inmunoenzimático ELISA para el diagnóstico de la brucelosis en odontocetos
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2006)
Miembros del género Brucella, conocidos como “Brucella cetaceae” son patógenos de
marsopas, delfines y ballenas. La experiencia clínica y el conocimiento de la patobiología de
este microorganismo son limitados; sin ...
Estudios anátomo-histopatológicos e inmunohistoquímicos sobre las patologías de los cetáceos encallados en Costa Rica durante el período 2001-2007. Con énfasis especial en el diagnóstico de Brucella y Morbillivirus
(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2008)
Costa Rica cuenta con una extensión marítima diez veces mayor a su extensión terrestre. En
estas aguas habita el treinta y cinco por ciento de la biodiversidad mundial de cetáceos,
representada por aproximadamente 29 ...
The differential interaction of brucella and ochrobactrum with innate immunity reveals traits related to the evolution of stealthy pathogens
(PLOS ONE, 2009-06-16)
Background: During evolution, innate immunity has been tuned to recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns. However, some a-Proteobacteria are stealthy intracellular pathogens not readily detected by this system. ...
The twin-arginine translocation pathway in alfa-proteobacteria is functionally preserved irrespective of genomic and regulatory divergence
(Public Library of Science, 2012-03)
La vía de translocación de gemelos de arginina (Tat) exporta proteínas completamente plegadas fuera del citoplasma de bacterias Gram-negativas y Gram-positivas. Aunque se han realizado muchos progresos para desentrañar el ...
New Features in the Lipid A Structure of Brucella suis and Brucella abortus Lipopolysaccharide
(Springer, 2017-12)
Brucellaceae are Gram-negative bacteria that cause brucellosis, one of the most distributed worldwide zoonosis, transmitted to humans by contact with either infected animals or their products. The lipopolysaccharide exposed ...
Brucella hijacks host-mediated palmitoylation to stabilize and localize PrpA to the plasma membrane
(American Society for Microbiology, 2018-11)
Brucellaceae are a group of pathogenic intracellular bacteria with the ability to modulate the host response, both at the individual cell level and systemically. One of the hallmarks of the virulence process is the capacity ...
RomA, A Periplasmic Protein Involved in the Synthesis of the Lipopolysaccharide, Tunes Down the Inflammatory Response Triggered by Brucella
(Oxford University Press, 2018-03)
Brucellaceae are stealthy pathogens with the ability to survive and replicate in the host in the context of a strong immune response. This capacity relies on several virulence factors that are able to modulate the immune ...
Análise funcional e da diversidade de um consórcio microbiano capaz de degradar lignina
Dentro de um modelo de biorrefinarias, o melhor aproveitamento da biomassa lignocelulósica requer a degradação da lignina e o seu uso como matéria-prima na geração de bioprodutos. A lignina é a maior fonte de compostos ...