Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 971
Estudio numérico de la influencia de la inclinación axial de los álabes en el desempeño de un compresor axial multi-etapas.
(González Neria Israel., 2017-08-29)
En el presente estudio se utilizó la metodología de vórtice libre para realizar el diseño de un compresor axial de siete etapas, el cual se tomó como configuración base para implementar una inclinación axial ...
A comparative study of microstrain around three-morse taper implants with machined and plastic copings under axial loading
Aim: To evaluate the occurrence of microstrain around morse taper implants in straight configuration under axial load in a cast monoblock framework. Methods: Three implants were inserted in a polyurethane block and microunit ...
Variación en la longitud de los elementos axiales de cinco especies arbóreas
(Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, 1989)
Se estudió la variación de los elementos axiales en las maderas de las especies Tabebuia pentaphylla, Sterculia apetala, Maclura tinctoria, Hibiscus elatus y Calophyllum sp., de acuerdo con la distancia desde la médula y ...
Microstrain Around Dental Implants Supporting Fixed Partial Prostheses Under Axial and Non-Axial Loading Conditions, In Vitro Strain Gauge Analysis
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013-11-01)
The current study used strain gauge analysis to perform an in vitro evaluation of the effect of axial and non-axial loading on implant-supported fixed partial prostheses, varying the implant placement configurations and ...
Stress analysis of axial and tilted implants in full-arch fixed dentures under different abutment conditions
The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution on fullarch prostheses, considering axial implants and tilted implants with or without abutments. Two photoelastic models were made, being that in 1 model the ...
Estudo, simulacao e analise de maquina yasa utilizando JMAG
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Tecnologia, 2023-08-09)
The YASA axial flow machine has been gaining more and more space in the academic and industrial sphere, having as main characteristics the high power density and efficiency and low levels of pollution, it has wide application ...
Straight and Offset Implant Placement under Axial and Nonaxial Loads in Implant-Supported Prostheses: Strain Gauge Analysis
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-10-01)
Purpose: The aim of this in vitro study was to quantify strain development during axial and nonaxial loading using strain gauge analysis for three-element implant-supported FPDs, varying the arrangement of implants: straight ...
Straight and Offset Implant Placement under Axial and Nonaxial Loads in Implant-Supported Prostheses: Strain Gauge Analysis
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-10-01)
Purpose: The aim of this in vitro study was to quantify strain development during axial and nonaxial loading using strain gauge analysis for three-element implant-supported FPDs, varying the arrangement of implants: straight ...
Axial anomaly through analytic regularization
In this work we consider the two-point Green's functions in (1 + 1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamics and show that the correct implementation of analytic regularization gives a gauge invariant result for the vacuum ...