Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1046
Phenomenological-narrative contributions to understand the narrative strategies that shape the autobiographical account throughout different moments of the therapeutic process
(PAGEPress, 2018)
Different studies suggest that the strategies and narrative styles that people use to construct their autobiographical accounts have repercussions
on their self-organization, as well as on their identity experience and ...
The Autobiographical Narratives As Interdisciplinary Axis Between The Psychology And The Education: Contributions For The Degree In Education Of The FieldAs Narrativas Autobiográficas Como Eixo Interdisciplinar Entre A Psicologia E A Educação: Contribuições Para A Licenciatura Em Educação Do Campo
(Univ Federal SergipeSergipe, 2016)
Adult School Students' Autobiographical Narrative As Pedagogical PracticeA Narrativa Autobiográfica De Alunos De Eja Como Prática Pedagógica
(Univ Fed São Paulo, Dept EducationGuarulhos, 2016)
Relato de experiência: narrativas autobiográficas de crianças e sua relação com o saber da dança no ensino remoto emergencialReport of experience: children's autobiographical narratives and their relationship with knowledge of dance in emergency remote education
(Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq/UFS Educação e Contemporaneidade (EDUCON), 2022)
Narrativas (auto)biográficas, processos de aprendizagem da docência e desenvolvimento profissional de professores que ensinam Matemática: contribuições para o campo da educação matemática
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGEd-SoCâmpus Sorocaba, 2021-12-15)
The (auto)biographical research in the field of Education associated with the process of teacher education and professional development have been increasingly consolidated in the scientific field. Regarding the link between ...
A teachers’ formative process in soil education takes place while integrated to their life stories
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2022)