Artículos de revistas
The Autobiographical Narratives As Interdisciplinary Axis Between The Psychology And The Education: Contributions For The Degree In Education Of The Field
As Narrativas Autobiográficas Como Eixo Interdisciplinar Entre A Psicologia E A Educação: Contribuições Para A Licenciatura Em Educação Do Campo
Registro en:
Revista Edapeci-educação A Distancia E Praticas Educativas Comunicacionais E Interculturais. Univ Federal Sergipe, v. 16, p. 442 - 454, 2016.
da Costa
Elis Regina; de Assis
Maria Paulina
The autobiographical narratives are an instrument used by researchers of the human sciences, such as psychology and education in teacher training. The objective of the present study was to verify the potential contributions of autobiographical narratives as a strategy of interdisciplinary teaching in the training of teachers in the degree course in Field Education. It was hypothesized that the relationships built between the theories studied linked to the reporting of the students' personal learning contexts would promote meaningful learning. The methodology of autobiographical memory was developed within the proposal of a journal, in which the student reported his experiences in questions structured by the teacher of the discipline of Educational Psychology. After the meetings, on the last day of school, a questionnaire with four questions was applied. The students had an age group of 19 to 52 years. The data demonstrated that the students were more identified with the theories of learning and development of Rogers and Piaget. The students assessed the use of autobiographical narratives as efficient to articulate their life stories with the proposed content, yet emphasized that remembering sad events as a painful process. 16 3 442 454