Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 81933
Indicativo y subjuntivo en las concesivas con “aunque” – un lugar de interpretación.
The use of aunque in peninsular Spanish: A discursive-functional analysisEl Uso De Aunque En El Español Peninsular: Un Análisis Discursivofuncional
In this study we describe the use of aunque in Spanish narrative texts. We use Functional Discourse Grammar as a descriptive tool, without however going into technical details. The conjunction aunque is used for the ...
The Concessive Clauses introduced by aunque in spoken peninsular Spanish: a description in the light of Functional Discourse Grammar
(Univ Federal Parana, Editora, 2016-01-01)
The aim of this research it to describe the Spanish concessive clauses introduced by the prototypical concessive conjunction aunque under the light of the Functional Discourse Grammar (henceforth FDG), theory that postulates ...
A Functional Investigation of the Conjunction aunque in Spoken Iberian Spanish
(Univ Federal Minas Gerais, Fac Letras, 2015-01-01)
This paper aims at describing the elements that characterize the concessive clauses introduced by aunque in spoken Iberian Spanish. The analysis was based on the layered structure of the clause proposed by Hengeveld (1988, ...
La yapa: una vuelta de tuerca sobre la concesivas con “aunque” + indicativo
Uma investigação discursivo-funcional das orações concessivas introduzidas por aunque em dados do espanhol peninsular
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016-02-26)
O presente trabalho investiga as propriedades pragmáticas e semânticas das orações concessivas introduzidas pela conjunção aunque e verifica se e como tais propriedades determinam a estrutura morfossintática dessas orações. ...
Between the concession and the adversity: Clauses introduced by aunque in Spanish under functionalist approachEntre a concessão e a adversidade: Orações introduzidas por aunque no espanhol sob o viés funcionalista
This work investigates the sentences of the spoken Spanish introduced by aunque, connector that, according to the grammatical compendiums, can indicate a concessive or adversative relation in Spanish language. From the ...
Uma investigação discursivo-funcional das orações concessivas introduzidas por aunque em dados do espanhol peninsularUna investigación discursivo-funcional de las oraciones concesivas introducidas por aunque en datos del español peninsularA discursive-functional investigation of concessive clauses introduced by aunque in peninsular spanish data
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016)
(Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina, 2016)