Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1251
Asymmetric networks and access charges
In order to suggest an appropriate regulatory regime in the context of firm asymmetry, this study
has developed a mathematical model that allows to elucidate comparisons of three different
regulatory scenarios. In the ...
Vortex Generation and Aeroacoustics in Asymmetric Wakes
High-lift devices in an aircraft are important sound generators. These devices should be studied in order to further reduce overall aircraft noise. The high-lift devices operating at a high angle of attack promote the ...
Facebook commerce usage intention: a symmetric and asymmetric approach
(Information technology & management, 2021)
Interaction between asymmetrical damping and geometrical nonlinearity in vehicle suspension systems improves comfort
This work explores the role of asymmetrical damping and geometrical nonlinearities in the suspension system of a simplified vehicle model in order to improve comfort. Improving comfort for passengers is a constant challenge ...
Long-term effects of the asymmetry and persistence of the prediction of volatility: Evidence for the equity markets of Latin America
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2018)
Testing for Collusion in Asymmetric First-Price Auctions
(Springer, 2013-01)
This paper proposes a two-step procedure to detect collusion in asymmetric first-price procurement (auctions). First, we use a reduced form test to short-list bidders whose bidding behavior is at-odds with competitive ...
Reações aldólicas assimétricas catalíticasCatalytic asymmetric aldol reactions
(Sociedade Brasileira de Química, 2003)
An acoustic source model for asymmetric intraglottal flow with application to reduced-order models of the vocal folds
The complex three-way interaction between airflow, tissue, and sound, for asymmetric vocal fold vibration, is not well understood. Current modeling efforts are not able to explain clinical observations where drastic ...
Facebook commerce usage intention: a symmetric and asymmetric approach
(Information technology & management, 2021)