Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 214
Petco2, Vco2 And Corpp Values In The Successful Prediction Of The Return Of Spontaneous Circulation: An Experimental Study On Unassisted Induced Cardiopulmonary Arrest
(Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular, 2016)
Petco(2), Vco2 And Corpp Values In The Successful Prediction Of The Return Of Spontaneous Circulation: An Experimental Study On Unassisted Induced Cardiopulmonary Arrest
(Soc Brasil Cirurgia CardiovascSão Paulo, 2016)
Hypothermic circulatory arrest in cerebral aneurysm surgery
Hypothermia for aneurysm surgery was first used more than 40 years ago and was shortly followed by deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA). Sonic giant, complex intracranial aneurysms have limited therapeutic alternatives, ...
Simultaneous expression analysis of deleted in azoospermia-family genes and CDC25A: their potential as a predictor for successful testicular sperm extraction
(Nature Publishing Group, 2017-11)
The Deleted in Azoospermia (DAZ) gene family consists of two autosomal genes, BOULE and DAZ-L (DAZ-like), and the DAZ gene cluster on chromosome Y. These genetic factors encode for RNA-binding proteins that are mainly ...
Reanimação cérebro cárdiopulmonar em canino submetido a endoscopia - relato de caso e sobrevida do paciente
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Rurais, 2017-03-31)
Cardiopulmonary arrest (CRP), defined by a sudden stop of spontaneous
ventilation and abrupt systemic circulation, is a lethal condition usually associated
with frequent morbidities in veterinary hospitals, which, with ...
The role of serum lactate in post-cardiac arrest syndrome
Simultaneous expression analysis of DAZ-family genes and CDC25A: their potential as a predictor for successful TESE
(Asian Society of Andrology, 2017-11)
The analysis of single DAZ genes has shown that their dysfunction leads to abnormal spermatogenesis and may cause infertility. They were, however, poorly associated to sperm recovery during assisted reproductive treatments. ...