Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 113
Testing Representational Advantage in the Argentine Supreme Court
(University of Chicago Press, 2018-03)
Even if party capability theory has been well documented, parsing out the reasons why “haves” come out ahead has been challenging. Our study takes advantage of the Argentine Supreme Court’s power to dismiss appeals because ...
Law or strategic calculus? Abstention in the Argentine Supreme Court
(Elsevier, 2020-06)
Abstention theory suggests that self-interest leads voters to abstain. While this theory has been studied in different settings, abstention in courts has received scant attention. Jacobi and Kontorovich (2014) hypothesize ...
The Virgin Mary in the Temple of Justice: on how U.S. Jurisprudence is Messing up Argentine Constitutional PrinciplesLa Virgen María en el Palacio de Justicia : sobre cómo la jurisprudencia estadounidense está arruinando principios constitucionales en Argentina
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires", 2014-07)
This paper will illustrate how US constitutional law on the ?Establishment Clause? of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States2 is improperly influencing the religious culture and practices of Argentina. ...
Sources of Private International Law in the Argentine Legal System: Hierarchy of Legislation and its Interpretation in Case Law
This article of revision analyses, within the sources of Argentine Private International Law, the hierarchy of norms adopted by the Constitution and by the new Civil and Commercial Code in force since August 2015 and the ...
Dismissing appeals on formal grounds: The case of the Argentine Supreme Court
(Berkeley Electronic Press, 2016-09)
Las Cortes Supremas generalmente se debaten por encontrar un balance entre corregir errores de tribunales inferiores y ser el intérprete último de la constitución. El tiempo y recursos invertidos en corregir errores limitan ...
La competencia originaria de la Corte Suprema y la Ciudad de Buenos Aires : análisis del cambio de precedenteOriginal jurisdiction and overruling of the Argentine Supreme Court in cases in which the City of Buenos Aires is a party
(Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Derecho, 2021)
Resumen: El régimen peculiar que la reforma constitucional de 1994 confirió a la Ciudad
de Buenos Aires impactó en la procedencia de la competencia originaria de la Corte
Suprema en causas en las que la Ciudad es parte. ...