Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 16
Structure and chemistry of the xylem of arborescent species of Blechnum from South America
(Brill Academic Publishers, 2015-01)
This contribution provides a detailed study of the xylem in three arborescent species of Blechnum section Lomariocycas using SEM, TEM, FT-IR spectroscopy and sugar composition analysis. The overall structure of root and ...
Herbivoria e defesas de samambaias em florestas tropicais
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Biologia Vegetal, 2019)
Floristic and structure of the arboreal community of an Ombrophilous Dense Forest at 800 m above sea level, in Ubatuba/SP, Brazil
(Revista Biota Neotropica, 2018-01-01)
Undoubtedly, the publication of floristic lists and phytosociological studies are important tools for metadata generation, quantification and characterization of the megadiversity of Brazilian forests. In this sense, this ...
Species richness of pteridophytes in a montane Atlantic rain forest plot of Southern Brazil
(Sociedade Botânica do Brasil, 2005-09-01)
Um inventário florístico de pteridófitas (samambaias e grupos aparentados) foi realizado em uma área de 1ha (100×100 m) no Parque Estadual Pico do Marumbi, município de Morretes, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. A área de ...
Species richness of pteridophytes in a montane Atlantic rain forest plot of Southern Brazil
(Sociedade Botânica do Brasil, 2005-09-01)
Um inventário florístico de pteridófitas (samambaias e grupos aparentados) foi realizado em uma área de 1ha (100×100 m) no Parque Estadual Pico do Marumbi, município de Morretes, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. A área de ...
Chemometric-based, 3D chemical-architectural model of Odontopteris cantabrica Wagner (Medullosales, Pennsylvanian, Canada): Implications for natural classification and taxonomy
(Elsevier Science, 2019-04)
The largest known (365 mm-long) specimen of Odontopteris cantabrica Wagner from the Late Pennsylvanian Sydney Coalfield in Canada was re-examined as part of the on-going research project “Chemistry and Architecture of ...
Buckya austroamericana nov. gen. et sp. (Bennettitales) from the upper triassic Laguna Colorada formation (El Tranquilo Group), Santa Cruz province, Argentina
(Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Correlación Geológica, 2016)
Siraty, a new fossiliferous locality with woods and stipes of the Tacuary Formation (upper Permian), Paraguay. Silicified fossil woods and arborescent stems from Siraty, a new fossiliferous locality of the Tacuary Formation ...