Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 26
Understanding Latin American Cooperation on Antarctic Issues
(Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2020)
This concluding chapter examines Latin American cooperation on Antarctic issues. In doing so, it adressess the current status quo and its challenges, offers a definition for the Latin American cooperacion, analyzes the ...
La disputa por el canal del Beagle y sus consecuencias geopolíticas para la zona austral-antárticaThe beagle channel dispute and its geopolitical consequences for the austral-antarctic region
For a century, the Beagle Channel was a point of contention for Chile and Argentina concerning their borders in the southern zone. Its geographical location implied a dispute between both nations' opposing geopolitical ...
The Conservation of Biodiversity: Argentina and Chile at the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
(Springer, 2019)
The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) accepts proposals presented by its international membership for the designation of Marine Protected Areas (MPA). Since CCAMLR s inception ...
Análisis del artículo IV del Tratado Antártico: mantención del statu quo y perspectivas a futuro
(Universidad de Chile, 2022)
El artículo IV del Tratado Antártico ha logrado equilibrar las distintas -y controversialesposiciones sobre el problema de las reclamaciones territoriales del continente antártico
estableciendo un sistema en donde los ...
Brazil in Antarctica : the scientific and geopolitical importance of PROANTAR in the Brazilian strategic surrounding areaDiscussion Paper 251 : Brazil in Antarctica : the scientific and geopolitical importance of PROANTAR in the Brazilian strategic surrounding areaO Brasil na Antártica : a importância científica e geopolítica do PROANTAR no entorno estratégico brasileiro.
(Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea), 2020)
Bioprospección antártica : ¿hacia una institucionalidad jurídica sui géneris?
Antarctic bioprospection is an activity that becomes more and more important with each passing day due to its geopolitical implications. Also, because should it be successful, it could generate massive profits for those ...