Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18673
Agricultural Tractor TestEnsaios de Tratores Agrícolas
Machine tests are standardized procedures that aim to present reliable and impartial information of the evaluated machines. The agricultural tractor is the main source of power in the agricultural setting. Therefore, to ...
Agricultural mechanization in Bangladesh – The future: Workshop report
(CSISA-MEAUSAIDCIMMYTiDEGeorgia Institute of Technology, 2022)
(WD-308) Agriculture and the new challenges of development. The state of and outlook for agriculture and rural life in the Americas, 2007. Summary.
(IICA, 2007)
Analyzes and assesses the progress of sustainable development efforts in the region¦s rural milieu. It focuses on the four strategic objectives established by the ministers of agriculture in the AGRO 2003-2015 Plan ...