Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 41
The mediating role of adoption of an electronic tax system in the relationship between attitude towards electronic tax system and tax compliance
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2020-06-01)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating effect of adoption of electronic tax system in the relationship between attitude towards electronic tax system and tax compliance using evidence fromsmall ...
The mediating role of adoption of an electronic tax system in the relationship between attitude towards electronic tax system and tax compliance
(Universidad ESAN. ESAN EdicionesPE, 2020-06-01)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating effect of adoption of electronic tax system in the relationship between attitude towards electronic tax system and tax compliance using evidence fromsmall ...
Factors influencing tax e-filing and role of trust of electronic filing system
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Currently the companies are involved in the advancement of information
technology, especially the Internet have revolutionized the way businesses
operate, e-commerce was born as a direct result of technological progress ...
A influência da obrigatoriedade fiscal na informatização das pequenas empresas
O presente estudo está inserido no campo da Administração de Sistemas de Informações e objetiva analisar a informatização das empresas de pequeno porte, o Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), o Software de Gestão Fiscal ...
Tributación en la economía digital: propuestas impulsadas por la OCDE y el impacto frente a los principios rectores de todo sistema tributario
(Univ. Chile, Fac. Derecho, 2021)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the different proposals that have formulated by the OECD and the G-20 with the goal to establish a common fiscal criterion in the digital economy since 1997, at the Finnish Conference, ...
Facturación electrónica : una alternativa para el aumento del recaudo tributario
(Universidad del RosarioEconomíaFacultad de economía, 2018)
This thesis reviews the Mexico’s experience with electronic tax invoices for its value-added tax regime from the perspectives of tax policy makers and administrators, it also evaluates Mexico’s implementation of this new ...
O impacto da nota fiscal eletrônica sobre a arrecadação do ICMS dos estados brasileiros: uma análise com dados em painel para o período de 1996 a 2011
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO, 2016-05-13)
Instituted in 2005, the electronic invoice (NF-e) is one of the most recent fiscal policies implemented in Brazil. The Replacement of the system of issuance of the tax document on paper among the many expected tax benefits ...
Implantação do eSocial no setor público e seus determinantes: um estudo de caso no âmbito municipal a partir da percepção dos agentes públicos envolvidos no processo
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2023-01-18)
With the advancement of technology and electronic government techniques, measures
were adopted to promote the integration of tax authorities, through the standardization
and sharing of accounting and tax information, ...
Nota fiscal eletrônica reduz custos para o contribuinte?
This study aims to investigate whether the adoption of electronic documents, a reality whose obligation is growing in Brazil, is accompanied by a reduction on the compliance costs. The author searched theoretical references ...