Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2395
Normas para elaboração de trabalhos acadêmicos: regras gerais de apresentação
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoCornelio ProcopioBrasilUTFPR, 2013)
The video aula Formatting academic work is intended to guide the students as the need for standardization in academic work done at the UTFPR at all academic levels: conclusion works, monographs, Dissertation and Thesis. ...
Normas para elaboração de trabalhos acadêmicos: estrutura de um trabalho acadêmico
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoCornelio ProcopioBrasilUTFPR, 2013)
The video lesson "Rules for presentation of academic work" will approach relevant contents related to the structure of academic work in order to guide users of UTFPR libraries about the need for standardization in academic ...
Normas para apresentação de trabalhos acadêmicos: apresentação de citações e referências
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoMedianeiraBrasilUTFPR, 2013)
The content of this video lesson aims to guide users of UTFPR libraries in the presentation of "quotes and references" so that when composing a text, an academic work, the researcher may have contact with the texts of other ...
Working memory, reading comprehension and academic performance
This article presents the results of a predictive – transversal study where the variables
working memory, reading comprehension and academic performance in 80 Chilean
students of seventh grade, rst and the third year ...
Working memory, reading comprehension and academic performance
This article presents the results of a predictive – transversal study where the variables
working memory, reading comprehension and academic performance in 80 Chilean
students of seventh grade, rst and the third year ...
The Effects of Vouchers on Academic Achievement: Evidence from Chile’s Conditional Voucher Program Juan A. Correa David Inostroza Francisco Parro Loreto Reyes Gabriel Ugarte Universidad Andrés Bello Marzo
(Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile). Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014)
We use data from Chile's conditional voucher program to test the e ects of vouchers
on academic achievement. Conditional vouchers have delivered extra resources
to low-income, vulnerable students since 2008. ...
Chile: academic performance and educational management under a rigid employment regime
Working with census information on standardized academic performance tests and using different estimation techniques, this article analyses sociodemographic and management factors affecting the performance of Chile's ...
Las evaluaciones estandarizadas del aprendizaje y la mejora de la calidad educativaThe standardized assessment learning and the improvement of the educational quality.
Una característica de los actuales sistemas educativos es la importancia que otorgan a la evaluación como vía para determinar la calidad de la educación. El presente trabajo comprende una reflexión teórica centrada en ...
Caracterización de los hábitos alimenticios y la condición física de los estudiantes de grado noveno y decimo del IED Saludcoop Sur y su influencia sobre el rendimiento académico
(Universidad Santo TomásMaestría Actividad Física Para la SaludFacultad de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación, 2016)
Previous studies, such as those by Carral et al (2012) and Azor et al (2011) have concluded that having a good physical condition and good eating habits will influence positively on the academic performance of students. ...
Avaliação dos níveis de iluminância em bibliotecas universitárias de Curitiba
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em Engenharia de Segurança do TrabalhoUTFPR, 2016-05-18)
Companies sought in recent years the comfort and safety of its employees in order to increase their production and consequently their profits reduced its losses and damages, meet increasingly stringent legislation. The ...