Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
Diversification of Asaphellus Callaway, 1877 (Asaphidae: Trilobita) during the Tremadocian in South West Gondwana (Cordillera Oriental, Argentina)
(Publications Scientifiques Du Museum, 2015-02)
Asaphellus Callaway, 1877 is the earliest widespread genus of the family Asaphidae Burmeister, 1843, and although its systematics bears several problematic issues, an input to overcome these difficulties has been attempted. ...
Early Ordovician trilobites from the Nazareno Area, northwestern Argentina
(Paleontological Society, 2014-09)
The upper part of the Santa Rosita Formation (Ordovician, Tremadocian) in the Nazareno area, Cordillera Oriental, northwestern Argentina, records the vertical passage of high-energy, shallow water platform environments to ...
Early Ordovician trilobites from the Iruya area (Cordillera Oriental, northwestern Argentina) and their stratigraphic significance
(Paleontological Society, 2016-09)
The middle part of the Santa Rosita Formation (Tremadocian) is well exposed in the Iruya area, northwestern Argentina. At the Pantipampa and Rodeo Colorado localities, it is composed of shale and sandstone representing a ...
Trilobites tremadocianos de Abra de Zenta (Cordillera Oriental, provincias de Jujuy y Salta, Argentina)Tremadocian trilobites from Abra de Zenta (Cordillera Oriental, Jujuy and Salta Provinces, Argentina)
(Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2010-03)
En este trabajo se describe con detalle una asociación de trilobites de la Formación Santa Rosita aflorante en la sierra de Zenta (provincias de Salta y Jujuy, noroeste de Argentina). La sección fosilífera se localiza en ...
High Resolution Trilobite Biostratigraphy for the Early Late Tremadocian (Tr2) Interval (Early Ordovician) Santa Rosita Formation, Argentine Cordillera OrientalBioestratigrafía de alta resolución basada en trilobites para el tremadociano temprano tardío (tr2), ordovícico Temprano, formación santa rosita, cordillera oriental argentina
(Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 2018-03)
The early late Tremadocian (Tr2) interval is exceptionally well-represented in eastern areas of the Argentine Cordillera Oriental. New field collections and detailed taxonomic reassessments, as well as a reevaluation of ...
Trilobites and sedimentary facies of the upper Coquena Formation (late Tremadocian; Notopeltis orthometopa Zone), Cordillera Oriental, northwestern Argentina
(Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 2016-05)
The area west of Purmamarca is a classic locality of the upper Tremadocian (Lower Ordovician) of the central Cordillera Oriental, northwestern Argentina. There, the upper member of the Coquena Formation documents the ...
Graptolite-trilobite biostratigraphy in the Santa Victoria area, northwestern Argentina. A key for regional and worldwide correlation of the Lower Ordovician (Tremadocian-Floian)
(Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2015-10)
New graptolite-trilobite records provide relevant information for the biostratigraphic framework of the lower Paleozoic in western Gondwana. Aorograptus victoriae (T. S. Hall), together with Adelogratus cf. A. altus Williams ...
Trilobites tremadocianos en facies de lutitas oscuras del miembro alfarcito (Formación Santa Rosita), Quebrada de Moya, Jujuy, ArgentinaTremadocian trilobites from dark shale facies of the alfarcito member (Santa Rosita Formation), Quebrada de Moya, Jujuy, Argentina
(Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2013-04)
La Quebrada de Moya constituye una localidad clásica de la Formación Santa Rosita (Furongiano alto–Ordovícico Inferior bajo) en la Quebrada de Humahuaca (Sierra de Tilcara, Cordillera Oriental de Jujuy, Argentina), donde ...
Broeggeria Walcott and other upper Cambrian and Tremadocian linguloid brachiopods from NW Argentina
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017-03)
The Broeggeria assemblage is a peculiar brachiopod association that has been recorded mainly from Tremadocian black shales of Baltoscandia, the Anglo-Welsh Basin, Nova Scotia, South Urals and Kazakhstan. Here, we report a ...