Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 215
Corallimorpharians (Anthozoa: Corallimorpharia) from the Argentinean Sea
(Magnolia Press, 2019-10)
Corallimorpharians are a relative small group of anthozoan cnidarians, also known as jewel sea anemones. They resemble actiniarian sea anemones in lacking a skeleton and being solitary, but resemble scleractinian corals ...
Presence of the telescope fish Mendosoma lineatum in Patagonian waters, a new species in the ichthyological fauna from the south-west Atlantic Ocean
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-10)
The presence of the telescope fish Mendosoma lineatum in Patagonian waters of Argentina is reported. Mendosoma lineatum is the second species of the Latridae recorded in the south-west Atlantic Ocean and its presence in ...
High trophic overlap within the seabird community of Argentinean Patagonia: a multiscale approach
(Wiley, 2004-06-26)
1. Food web interactions in animal communities can be investigated through the measurement of stable isotopes (e.g. δ15N, δ13C). We used this approach in a community of 14 species of seabirds breeding on the Argentinean ...
Identification, characteristics and seasonal evolution of surface thermal fronts in the Argentinean Continental Shelf
(Elsevier Science, 2010-01)
The location and seasonal variability of surface thermal fronts along the Argentinean Continental Shelf (38-55°S) were studied using 18 years (1985-2002) of sea surface temperature (SST) satellite data. Monthly SST gradients ...
Armadillogorgia albertoi sp. nov.: a new primnoid from the Argentinean deep sea
(Magnolia Press, 2013-12)
Eleven specimens of a new species of primnoid from the Argentinean deep sea are here presented. Armadillogorgia albertoi sp. nov. differs from A. cyathella Bayer, 1980 in colony and polyp morphology, abaxial sclerite number ...
Reproductive biology of the cockfish, callorhinchus callorynchus (Chondrichthyes: Callorhinchidae), in coastal waters of the northern Argentinean sea
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 2017-05)
The cockfish, Callorhinchus callorynchus, is a widely distributed holocephalan in the south-western Atlantic and an important resource for Argentinean fisheries. The reproductive characteristics of this species were studied ...
Habitat use and characterization of the seascape exploited by wintering adult and juvenile Southern Giant Petrels from Patagonia
(World Seabird Union, 2015)
The characterization of the seascape used by top predators helps to understand the functioning of marine systems. The main goals of this study were to 1) analyze habitat use and at-sea movements of adult and first year ...
Una nota (borgiana) en el palimpsesto de la literatura occidentalA (Borgian) note in the palimpsest of western literature
(Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias. Centro de Estudios Comparados, 2016-12-01)
Este artículo toma como punto de partida el palimpsesto generado
por Jorge Luis Borges en «El inmortal» y ensaya una
puesta en relación de la tradición clásica con la literatura comparada,
como una perspectiva para ...