Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 428
Estimating Ancestral Ranges: Testing Methods with a Clade of Neotropical Lizards (Iguania: Liolaemidae)
(Public Library Of Science, 2011-10)
Establishing the ancestral ranges of distribution of a monophyletic clade, called the ancestral area, is one of the central objectives of historical biogeography. In this study, I used three common methodologies to establish ...
Estudio de la cultura gastronómica ancestral de la comunidad cachi del cantón el Tambo provincia del Cañar
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2019-07-30)
The purpose of this research project was to rescue ancestral preparations and disseminate a digital magazine together with the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Canton El Tambo, through the municipality's website. ...
Geographical distribution and ecological diversification of South American octodontid rodents
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2013-02)
Caviomorph rodents represent one of the most distinctive groups of mammals in southern South America drylands; they colonized South America from Africa via trans-oceanic dispersions in the Eocene (40-50 Ma) and underwent ...
An event model for phylogenetic biogeography using explicitly geographical ranges
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-10)
Aim: To develop and implement a method for phylogenetic biogeography that is both event based and geographically explicit, that is, that uses the geographical ranges observed in the terminals instead of ‘predefined areas.’. ...
Molecular systematics and biogeography of lowland antpittas (Aves, Grallariidae): The role of vicariance and dispersal in the diversification of a widespread Neotropical lineageMolecular systematics and biogeography of lowland antpittas (Aves, Grallariidae): The role of vicariance and dispersal in the diversification of a widespread Neotropical lineage
(ElsevierRegularMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2017)
Major lineages of Loasaceae subfam. Loasoideae diversified during the Andean uplift
(Academic Press, 2019)
The Loasoideae is the largest clade in the Loasaceae. This subfamily is widespread throughout the Neotropics and centered in the Andes, presenting an excellent opportunity to study diversification across much of temperate ...
Phylogeny, time divergence, and historical biogeography of the South American Liolaemus alticolor-bibronii group (Iguania: Liolaemidae)
(PeerJ, 2018-02-20)
The genus Liolaemus comprises more than 260 species and can be divided in two subgenera: Eulaemus and Liolaemus sensu stricto. In this paper, wepresent a phylogenetic analysis, divergence times, and ancestral distribution ...
Inferring ancestral range reconstruction based on trilobite records: a study-case on Metacryphaeus (Phacopida, Calmoniidae)
Metacryphaeus is a calmoniid trilobite genus from the Devonian Malvinokaffric Realm, exclusive to the Gondwanan regions. It includes eleven species, which are for the first time included here in a single phylogenetic ...