Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 875
Alien plants and flower visitors disrupt the seasonal dynamics of mutualistic networks
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2020-01-13)
Alien species can drastically disrupt ecological processes such as those involving plant-pollinator interactions, performing central roles that may affect the structure of native pollination networks. However, most studies ...
Do alien and native tree species from Central Argentina differ in their water transport strategy?
(Wiley, 2014-08)
In this study we assessed the water transport strategies and the abundance of alien and native tree species at a regional scale in Córdoba Mountains, Central Argentina. The aims of this study were: 1) to analyze whether ...
Altitudinal distribution of native and alien plant species in roadside communities from central Argentina
(Wiley, 2011-04)
Roadsides may homogenize the distribution of native species and act as corridors for the spread of alien taxa. We examined the variation in native and alien plant species richness and composition at two spatial scales ...
Risks to pollinators and pollination from invasive alien species
(Nature Publishing Group, 2017-12)
Invasive alien species modify pollinator biodiversity and the services they provide that underpin ecosystem function and human well-being. Building on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and ...
Adaptive management of alien invasive species: putting the theory into practice
(Fundação o Boticário de Proteçao á Natureza, 2007-10)
Even though often based on scarce information, many actions due to conservation ofbiodiversity need to be carried out as matters of urgency. In the case of biological invasions, this is acommon situation, as the real ...
Niche properties constrain occupancy but not abundance patterns of native and alien woody species across Hawaiian forests
(WILEY, 2021-05)
Questions Islands harbour a disproportionate amount of global plant diversity, yet their unique native assemblages are particularly vulnerable to biological invasions. It is therefore critical to identify the macroecological ...
Land use intensification differentially benefits alien over native predators in agricultural landscape mosaics
Aim: Both anthropogenic habitat disturbance and the breadth of habitat use by alien species have been found to facilitate invasion into novel environments, and these factors have been hypothesized to be important within ...