Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 641
Programa interamericano de estadísticas básicas (PIEB): Sección XI. Transporte
(CEPAL, Sede Subregional en México, 2017)
A statistical physics approach to perform fast highly-resolved air quality simulations – A new step towards the meta-modelling of chemistry transport models
(Elsevier, 2019)
A methodology rested on model-based machine learning using simple linear regressions and the parameterizations of the main physics and chemistry processes has been developed to perform highly-resolved air quality simulations. ...
Evaluación de la política de cielos abiertos en el Ecuador en el período 2016 – 2019 como impulso a la actividad aeronáutica comercial del país
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2021-03-15)
The main objective of this degree work was to evaluate the open skies policy that was signed in 2017 by President Lenin Moreno and how it was developed throughout the period 2016 - 2019. A semi structured interview was ...
De (dis)conformidades y revueltas: Estallidos de hostilidad en el transporte ferroviario de pasajeros de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos AiresOn (dis)conformities and revolts: Outbreaks of hostility in passenger rail transport in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region
(Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles, 2020-12)
El estudio aborda los elementos intervinientes en la generación de estallidos de hostilidad protagonizados por pasajeros del ferrocarril metropolitano de Buenos Aires durante el primer decenio del Siglo XXI. En particular, ...
Creación de un boletín estadístico para el control del transporte aéreo de los aeropuertos nacionales e internacionales
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2019-02-21)
The implementation of air operations statistic within the airports of Ecuador, José Joaquin de Olmedo and Mariscal Sucre, aims to create a Statistical Bulletin of Air Traffic of 2017 for the control of air transport sector ...
Air quality at Santiago, Chile: A box modeling approach - I. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide
Ambient monitored data at Santiago, Chile, are analyzed using box models with the goal of assessing contributions of different economic activities to air pollution levels. The period analyzed is 1990-2000, characterized ...
Fatores associados ao uso do metrô em São Paulo: uma análise visando a redução da poluição atmosférica
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-06-29)
A evolução do ser humano na história está ligada à sua locomoção entre diferentes localidades,
foi assim que o intercâmbio entre culturas deu início, novos locais foram explorados e
conhecimentos foram adquiridos. Com a ...
Behavior of air passenger demand in a liberalized market
This article analyzes the behavior of the demand of domestic and international air passengers in a context of liberalized air
transport market and with a total deregulation of airfares (using as case study the Colombian ...
Sustainability efficiency and carbon inequality of the Chinese transportation system: a robust bayesian stochastic frontier analysis
(ElsevierBrasilInstituto COPPEAD de Administração, 2021)
Study of Current Air Cargo Infraestructure in México: Current Strategic Needs for Air Transportation Activities, Operational Performance and National Airport Infraestructure
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2005-11-01)
This study attempts to determine characteristics, components and functioning relations that could
affect the operative of the Mexican air cargo industry. The conceptual structure for this analysis is based on modeling ...