Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
Phylogeny of Polycladida (Platyhelminthes) based on mtDNA data
(Springer Heidelberg, 2017-12)
A phylogenetic analysis of Polycladida based on two partial mitochondrial genes (cox1 and 16S) is provided. The analysis includes 30 polyclad terminals that represent species from the two taxa which traditionally divide ...
Persica qeshmensis gen. nov. sp. nov from the Persian Gulf (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida: Acotylea), with remarks on reproductive structures
(Taylor & Francis, 2015-02)
A new genus of acotylean polyclad, Persica qeshmensis gen. nov. sp. nov. (Acotylea, Pleioplanidae), was collected from intertidal rocky shores of the Northern Persian Gulf, Iran. The genus Persica is established on the ...
Systematic revision of the family Pleioplanidae Faubel, 1983 (Polycladida, Acotylea): New genus and combinations
(Museum Histoire Naturelle, 2017-01)
New morphological information, reconsiderations and the first combination of a generic name based on a previously established species are presented in the current revision of the family Pleioplanidae (Polycladida, Acotylea). ...
Probing recalcitrant problems in polyclad evolution and systematics with novel mitochondrial genome resources
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2019-05)
For their apparent morphological simplicity, the Platyhelminthes or “flatworms” are a diverse clade found in a broad range of habitats. Their body plans have however made them difficult to robustly classify. Molecular ...
A new polyclad species associated with Bankia martensi (Bivalvia) from the South Pacific coast of Chile, and its taxonomic position within Euplanidae (Platyhelminthes, Ilyplanoidea)
(Cambridge University Press, 2014-01)
We describe a new genus and a new species of Polycladida, Namyhplana henriettae (Platyhelminthes, Euplanidae), which lives associated with the tubes of the bivalve Bankia martensi in the fjords of the South Pacific Ocean ...
Two new marine species from South Korea with remarks on the family Stylochidae (Acotylea, Polycladida, Plathelminthes)
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2005-12)
Two new species of acotylean Polycladida are described from Korea, Munseoma maculata gen. et sp. nov., Callioplanidae, and Crytostylochus koreensis sp. nov., Stylochidae. Munseoma maculata is characterized by a small free ...
Polycladida Acotylea from Patagonia. Redescription of Crassiplana albatrossi (Pseudostylochidae), lectotype designation and first record of Notocomplana palta (Notoplanidae)
(Magnolia Press, 2011-06)
Crassiplana albatrossi is redescribed on the basis of material collected in Patagonia (Argentina) and type material deposited in the USNM. The specimens have specific characters, showing tentacles; tentacular, brain and ...
Revisión taxonómica de policládidos (Platyhelminthes: turbillaria) de la Bahía de La Paz, Baja California Sur, México.
(Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas., 2006)
La mayoría de los miembros del Orden Polycladida (planarias marinas) son organismos bentónicos que viven en grietas y oquedades rocosas y/ó coralinas de todos los mares del mundo. Estos organismos presentan coloraciones ...