Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 527
A utilização da curva ABC para definição da wishlist de uma nova operação de deliveryThe use of the ABC Curve to definite the wishlist of a new delivery operation
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNAdministraçãoDepartamento de Ciências Administrativas, 2021)
A importância da ferramenta curva ABC no gerenciamento de estoqueThe importance of the ABC curve tool in stock management
(Departamento de Engenharia de Produção - Universidade Federal de SergipeDEPRO/UFS, 2018)
Aplicação da curva ABC em uma empresa de artigos esportivos de Itabaiana-SE: um estudo de casoApplication of the ABC curve in a company of Itabaiana-SE sports articles: a case study
(Departamento de Engenharia de Produção - Universidade Federal de SergipeDEPRO/UFS, 2018)
Intersecting the torsion of elliptic curves
Bogomolov and Tschinkel [‘Algebraic varieties over small fields’, Diophantine Geometry, U. Zannier (ed.), CRM Series, 4 (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, 2007), 73–91] proved that, given two complex elliptic curves ...
Spatial analysis of residential load growth due to electric vehicle recharge
The estimation of load curves by class of consumers is an information used in several studies of planning and operation of electrical distribution networks. The recharging of electric vehicles can modify these curves by ...
Characteristics of the double-torsion test to determine the R-curve of ceramic materials
Double-torsion tests were carried out on a commercial ceramic floor tile to verify whether this test is suitable for determining the R-curve of ceramics. The instantaneous crack length was obtained by means of compliance ...
Inexact searches on the L-curveBúsquedas sobre curvas inexactas
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2009)
Proposta de ajuste na Gestão de Estoque de um hospital sergipano com o uso da curva ABC
(DAD - Departamento de Administração – São Cristóvão - PresencialUniversidade Federal de Sergipe, 2019)