Consumo de energía eléctrica en el hogar

dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.creatorLopez, Miguel Angel de la Fuente
dc.creatorPujato, Carmen Candioti Lopez
dc.creatorBarrio, Manuel Gertrudix
dc.descriptionEnsino Médio::Física
dc.descriptionSimulation which presents to the student some concepts of electric energy, such as electric power and energy consumption. The student may modify the power of some devices and supply the time that the devices remain on per day in order to calculate the energy consumption in a month
dc.publisherInstitute of Formation and Resources in Network for Teachers
dc.rightsThe use of the resources from the images and sound Database is universal, free and open, when it is for educative purpose, and not commercial. The actions, products and utilities derived from its utilization must not generate any kind of profit. The reference to the source and to the author of the work are required. Content protected by Creative Commons Reconocimiento – Not commercial - Compartir Igual 2.5 España
dc.subjectElectric power
dc.subjectEducação Básica::Ensino Médio::Física::Equipamentos elétricos e telecomunicações
dc.subjectElectric energy
dc.subjectEnergy consumption
dc.titleConsumption of electric energy at home
dc.titleConsumo de energía eléctrica en el hogar

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