dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
dc.creatorKagan, Shelly
dc.descriptionEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::Filosofia
dc.descriptionPresents a lecture of Professor Shelly Kagan that discusses the nature of death. A person must have a P-functioning body to be alive. When the P- functioning stops the person is dead, but she may be asleep or in a coma. Then Professor Kagan suggests that on some level nobody believes that he or she is going to die. As a case in point, he takes Tolstoy's famous character Ivan Ilych
dc.publisherYale University, Open Yale Courses
dc.relationPersonal identity: objections to the personality theory: part 3 [Death]
dc.relationDeath: introduction
dc.relationThe nature of persons: dualism vs. Physicalism [Death]
dc.relationArguments for the existence of the soul: part 1 [Death]
dc.relationIntroduction to Plato's Phaedo: arguments for the existence of the soul: part 2 [Death]
dc.relationArguments for the existence of the soul: part 3 : free will and near-death experiences [Death]
dc.relationArguments for the existence of the soul: part 4; Plato: part 1 [Death]
dc.relationPlato: arguments for the immortality of the soul: part 2 [Death]
dc.relationPlato: arguments for the immortality of the soul: part 3 [Death]
dc.relationPlato: arguments for the immortality of the soul: part 4 [Death]
dc.relationPersonal identity: identity across space and time and the soul theory: part 1 [Death]
dc.relationPersonal identity: the body theory and the personality theory: part 2 [Death]
dc.relationFear of death [Death]
dc.relationOther bad aspects of death: part 2 [Death]
dc.relationThe value of life: part 2; Other bad aspects of death: part 1 [Death]
dc.relationSuicide: deciding under uncertainty: part 2 [Death]
dc.relationSuicide: the rationality of suicide: part 1 [Death]
dc.relationHow to live given the certainty of death [Death]
dc.relationThe badness of death: part 3; Immortality: part 1 [Death]
dc.relationThe badness of death: the deprivation account: part 2 [Death]
dc.relationDying alone; The badness of death: part 1 [Death]
dc.relationWhat matters: part 5; The nature of death: part 1 [Death]
dc.relationPersonal identity: what matters?: part 4 [Death]
dc.relationSuicide: the morality of suicide and course conclusion: part 3 [Death]
dc.relationImmortality: part 2; The value of life part 1 [Death]
dc.relationThe nature of death (cont.); Believing you.mp3
dc.rightsYale University 2009. Some rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated in the applicable Credits section of certain lecture pages, all content on this web site is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Please refer to the Credits section to determine whether third-party restrictions on the use of content apply
dc.subjectEducação Superior::Ciências Humanas::Filosofia::Metafísica
dc.titleThe nature of death: part 2 ; Believing you will die [Death]

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